Marvel's The Avengers (dammit, 3D version again!) - 4/10
Couldn't make the 9:30 2D screening, so sucky 3D it was. The opening setup with the Tesseract being stolen was fairly clumsy. Great sfx & cgi, don't get me wrong, but if one had no familiarity with a
lot of the previous films then stuff ain't gonna make sense. Great character relationships developed. Captain America very underused. (Hope he has a sequel to his own film coming out) Knocking off many points for lame 3D. There was one... just one... shot that gave me that
whoah! moment. The sooner the studios knock it off with the 3D nonsense, the better.
Can't pass up an opportunity to plug my
Marvel's Avengers plushies, mind you. Limited supply.
Special promotion. Details here.