movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

Can you name a few?

Uncomfortable movies, or movies about disassociation? For the former, Tideland is sort of uncomfortable to watch; my girlfriend loved it but never wants to watch it again. Ditto Requiem For A Dream. Strozeck can be hard to watch, but mostly because it's depressing, not necessarily uncomfortable.

Disassociative movies, of course there's Brazil, and movies like Jacob's Ladder and Stay. Those all make use of the "dream" shorthand, though by the end of Brazil it's very clear that's what's happening. Also, of the three, Brazil's dreams mimic most closely what is going on in the Real World, up to the breaking moment. There's also a very strong case to be said for Taxi Driver; that none of it is real other than the final scene in the cab, and while that's a great theory (playing with unreliable narrators, which I always love), it's not quite as clear within the movie. Inland Empire, and a lot of Lynch, really. I enjoyed Franklyn as well, specifically dealing with I'm thinking about it, LOTS of fantasy films deal with dissociation.

And to not derail the general thread TOO far, last film I saw was Nirvana (1997). How the hell did I miss this? Far from a perfect film, I'd give it 6/10, but I loved it. I happen to really like cyberpunk films; I'll even re-watch Johnny Mnemonic. This is MUCH better than that, though uneven writing and effects (ranging from great to horrible sometimes in the same scene) will keep it off the "greatest sci-fi ever" lists. If you like cyberpunk, definitely worth a watch. And if you do, you've probably already seen it and can laugh at me for having missed it for this long!
My favourite type of thread :D

Just a warning, I'll say a few films and your response may be "whaaaat?! you only just saw that?! noob" but I have my reasons, I could never afford DVDs, and now I can. Sort of.

Okay, last film I watched would have been... Rosemary's Baby! Yes, such a masterpiece. I was annoyed that I'd seen the final scene before >.<, if I hadn't it would have been far more amazing, but it was still pretty darn good. The soundtrack was.....ooh, just gorgeous, really added so much to the atmosphere. There were a few scenes of "oh dear lord how are you so naive woman?!", which were great. Any review I do won't do this film justice, it's a masterpiece, and you must see it if you haven't already, 8/10.
The Human Centipede: 1/10 Awful, just awful film.
Are you kidding me? Just awful? I thought it was a masterful exercise in bad taste.

But it was awful.

Tucker and Dale vs Evil

I really like horror/comedy as a genre, so I may tend to overrate movies from it. But this movie is pretty great if you're familiar with the classic tropes of college kids on a road trip and creepy local guys who live in a creepy house. It kind subverts them with the local boys being the protagonists, who turn out to be harmless good ol' boys who just bought a cabin for fishing trips.

Alan Tudyk, of Firefly and A Knight's Tale stars as one of the rednecks, and seeing his barely contained rage is always a treat. There's also a love interest, so it fits into the narrow ro/ho/co genre, but it's not on the same level as Shaun of the Dead. It is an admirable effort, though. It even has blatant references to Evil Dead, which is a plus. You probably won't like it if you're not a fan of horror or gore, though the gore is pretty bad it's limited to just a few scenes.
Are you kidding me? Just awful? I thought it was a masterful exercise in bad taste.

Yeah, unfortunately I am really dissappointed that I won't be able to get that hour and a half of my life back or get a refund from Netflix...if I wanted a masterful exercise in bad taste, I would've watched a John Waters film :lol:
Black Swan. I did my best to hear the least about it so nothing would be spoiled.


I was riding the psychological train from the beginning. I loved the fact that Nina looked like the White Swan but was in fact the Black Swan. I felt it from the beginning and the final act is incredible.
IN A BETTER WORLD. Won Best Foreign Language Film at the Oscars and Golden Globes; and it won the audience award for best film at the Rome Film Festival. Definitely my favorite film of the last few years, possibly the last decade. Absolutely breathtaking in all aspects!

I've never read the book, but I have seen the Voyager episode called Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy, which was a very good episode indeed.

That's a pretty glowing review, though. I may just go see it (as long as it's not scary :P)
Kill List- Really still can't decide what to make of this film. It was a really good thriller, and there were plenty of interesting things I was waiting to be answered, and then the ending was just... I don't even know. I really thought it was building up to an amazing ending, maybe a huge twist or something as there had been some very weird scenes, but it felt a bit like they went for the easy option of shock value. Frustrating, but then again I haven't been able to get it out of my mind since I saw it. 7/10 (the first two thirds were excellent, the ending was disappointing)

Seen a few others recently- Attack the Block was very enjoyable, another 7/10, and the same for Source Code, which disappointed me but was still a good film.
Hanna. 8/10.

Very nicely shot and well put together. Cate Blanchett is excellant as usual, as is the rest of the cast. The Chemical Brothers score is pretty darn cool and effective.

The holding cell and escape from the holding cell sequence is pretty thrilling cinema.
Quite enjoyable.
in theaters Fright Night i give it a 0. Trash remake, the orginal was waaay better and a classic

recently Big trouble in little china...this movie has none stop action...10

Tokyo Gore Police soooo funny an over the top! love dis movie! 10

There is a kung fu movie i saw that Tarantino had filmed a seperate scene to present the movie. I cant remember the name right now anywaythat was a 10
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