What's a good external video monitor?

One that is the cheapest, but good, to plug into my T2i, for getting tight shots, where I wouldn't be able to view the camera's viewscreen. I went to the electronics store, but they make everything sound good, and don't know which is really, and what not. Thanks.
Oooo none of the stores have monitors that are good, or of that price. I will probably need an HD 16:9 one to get the full feel of what I'm watching. I also would like a monitor since I am not the one shooting it. I usually have someone else do that, but still need to see what they are shooting in those tight shots. But with prices like that, I can wait, and just keep playing back the takes after they are shot, instead of monitoring live. I can use mirrors.
Buy cheap - Buy often!

I have a Zacuto EVF and it's by far the best thing I own!

My new year resolution: Never buy cheap stuff again! Invest in quality and it will be with you a long time!
Oooo none of the stores have monitors that are good, or of that price. I will probably need an HD 16:9 one to get the full feel of what I'm watching. I also would like a monitor since I am not the one shooting it. I usually have someone else do that, but still need to see what they are shooting in those tight shots. But with prices like that, I can wait, and just keep playing back the takes after they are shot, instead of monitoring live. I can use mirrors.

Lilliput is the go to brand for cheap HDMI LCD monitoring.

Again, cheap is the word. Helps with focus and performs really well in daylight, but you can't trust the picture. I bought one a while back and it's one of the only pieces of gear I sort of regret buying. Sure it was only $200, but now I see that $200 would have been way better put towards the real deal.
Lilliput is the go to brand for cheap HDMI LCD monitoring.

Again, cheap is the word. Helps with focus and performs really well in daylight, but you can't trust the picture. I bought one a while back and it's one of the only pieces of gear I sort of regret buying. Sure it was only $200, but now I see that $200 would have been way better put towards the real deal.

True that.

Bought a 200 dollar Lilliput and i couldn't really focus on it. Barely. The resolution is just terrible! Don't trust the picture like he said! You can't expose your image on it. It looks terrible and is too bright mostly!

The EVF is brilliant on the other hand! Sold my Lilliput, saved up and bought that, and the difference is so amazing!

Plus, you get features like focus peaking, zebras, frame store, pixel to pixel zoom, upscaling from camera models, framelines, all of that, it's unreplaceable!
Okay thanks this is all good advice! I was going to buy a new laptop anyway for me to take on set as hard drive back up if I need it. Would I be able to get a laptop at a good consumer price that has an HDMI live input? I couldn't find one in the stores, but perhaps there are some out there?
I'm sure there's a capture device to take in HDMI, it wouldn't be a valid on-set monitor though. Plugging a cable in disables the screen on your camera so you the have to somehow carry your computer alongside your camera while shooting. Plus, it's not a color accurate monitor either so you run into the same exposure problems as the lilliput or any other cheap monitor.