What to watch on Netflix instant queue?

Okay, I've been BS-ing for about an hour now. Gonna turn on a movie. Trying to decide what to watch. I wouldn't normally consult this forum, but by coincidence, it seems there's a good number of people online and active right now.

So, what movies do you know of that are on instant queue, that perhaps the Funkster hasn't seen? You've got about 15 minutes to make suggestions, before I press play.

Oh, snap. I didn't think about the fact that most of the people online right now are not in the US. Doh!

Okay, so I guess it's all on you, Murdock -- what should I watch?

Ernest, I believe Netflix will be going international soon. This is good for you. They're rad.
City Slickers II??.....BTW did you ever watch Once Upon a Time in the West

Alas, neither of those are in the instant queue.

I've got "Once Upon a Time" in my snail-mail queue, as per your recommendation, but I must admit, I've not been actively using that part of my membership. Maybe I'll get more serious about it when I'm finally done with "Antihero".
Oh, snap. I didn't think about the fact that most of the people online right now are not in the US. Doh!

Okay, so I guess it's all on you, Murdock -- what should I watch?

Ernest, I believe Netflix will be going international soon. This is good for you. They're rad.

I was kidding since i didnt have any recommendations. I've lived for a years in the States as well :)
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"Vanilla Sky" is not in the instant queue.

Ooh, it looks like "Gamer" is in instant queue. That is a really underrated movie. If I don't get any solid recommendations for something I haven't seen, I might re-visit that one.
Decision made. Did some browsing. My mom tends to be a trusted source for me, and she really recommends "Ondine". Done. Pressing play. Cheers.
Cracker. I'm telling you right now. Watch "Exit Through The Gift Shop" if you haven't already. Don't watch any trailers for it. Don't read anything about it. Just watch it! You will not be disappointed.

It's on the instant list!
Cracker. I'm telling you right now. Watch "Exit Through The Gift Shop" if you haven't already. Don't watch any trailers for it. Don't read anything about it. Just watch it! You will not be disappointed.

It's on the instant list!

Thanks. I saw it last week, actually. I agree, it's a good one. Mr. Brainwash is hilarious.
Is "Undercover Blues" instantable? I love that movie! Best box office bomb of the 80's --- Every single line is quotable :)
OMG. So much stuff on Instant to watch:

Johnnie To:
Triad Election
(some others)

A Short Film About Killing (might actually be "A Short Film About Murder")
The Double Life of Veronique (I think that's on there)

I want to say that "Kanal" is on there as well along with a bunch of other Wadja.

A decent run of Noir on Instant as well, mostly well known stuff though.


Oh! The gf and I started watching the Avatar/Airbender series (not the movie) recently, if you can make it through the more kiddie oriented first 5-8 episodes or so then it becomes utterly epic. Worth it if you are into animated series at all.

Tons of Ozu, maybe some Mizoguchi, lots of Kurosawa; more Goddard, Truffaut, and Renoir than you could shake a stick at.

Mother (by the guy that made "The Host" is on there, and I think "Attack the Gas Station" might be as well. All three of those are rockin' movies. The South Koreans are crushing it lately. Thirst might be on there, but maybe as a disc only? (Speaking of Korean cinema).

This is off the top of my head.

Heck, if you are desperate there is always "Around the World With Orson Wells," which is entertaining for a number of reasons. It's a travelogue series hosted by Orson Wells, how can that go wrong? :lol:
Hey Cracker, can you only get one DVD from netflix?? No matter what?? That's all I see on there site, and I don't have any compatible devices to stream.