what really winds me up!

I haven't been on here in aggggggggeeeesssss but i've just been thinking about what really winds me up, with book fanatics and their opinion on film. This is all in relation to the new Harry Potter film coming out in the new few weeks, here in the UK. I was talking to my friend the other day (who is a Harry Potter book fanatic) and he's so quick to criticise the Harry Potter film adaptions of the books.

It's quite frequent you'll find book obsessives, lets take for an example a Twilight lover. These constant comments you'll hear like "Edward is meant to be bigger" or "Edward is meant to be...Blah blah blah" you get the drift. Well this winds me up more than anything. As i said to my friend, you can't really make these criticisms on these films such as Harry Potter, i mean look at the bloody CGI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, okay the writer or director might have missed out key parts to you or something but what people forget is that a film adaption of a book is their interpretation..

you don't like it, maybe you should try sitting down writing and creating a film if you think you could do so much better!!!

I'm with you. I hate it when people say the book is better than the movie. That's like comparing apples and puppy dogs. I'd say "apples and oranges", but those are way more similar than books and movies. Saying the book is better than the movie is like saying the sandwhich you had for lunch was better than Bob Marley's "Exudus". In what way? What does that mean?

What makes a book good is not the same as what will make a movie good. You have to change it, translate it to a different medium, and each should be judged on it's own merits.
I one-hundred-percent agree with you. If every detail was transformed into the movie, the movie would be ridiculously long. Books and movies/TV shows should never be compared. ever.
waaa waaaa waaaa

Done crying yet? Now go make a movie..

And apples are better than puppy dogs! But both are better with a little cinnamon and sugar.. yummy..
I'm with you. I hate it when people say the book is better than the movie.

...but the books are better than the movies...

Damn CGI if the story falls apart. The books allow for all the character development that you can possibly have. CGI can make it pretty. But the reason why people look at X-Men sideways is because of the story discrepancies. CGI cannot save a story that is lacking. Case in point: I wanted soooo much to love the Watchmen movie. I left the theater not getting it and was so disappointed. They should have just taken ALL the time they needed to flesh out that story, make it 2 or 3 films. We all know that people would go see it if it's great.

I'm reading the book....

-- spinner :cool:
"Jurrasic Park" would have been a six-hour epic, had they made it the same as the book. I don't even wanna think of how long the "Harry Potter" movies would be.

Filmmaking is a visual medium. Books are not. That's all the difference you need to make it impossible to compare them to each other.
Technically, a book's physical properties make it 3D...

Am I onto something here?
As one of our resident Harry Potter fanatics I'll step in to defend fans everywhere: I love the books, but I enjoy the movies as well.

But it is actually both fair and important to look at movies along with their source material. It's a translation work (as referenced in the Remakes thread) and when you draw your inspiration from a source other than an original idea then you're going to end up facing comparisons. It's also important to judge the movie on it's own, but that's not an excuse for filmmakers to betray the spirit of the book.