editing what editing software is best?????

i need to buy editing software i have been looking at final cut studio pro #3 or 4 very expensive 1800$ but i dont use mac. what do u think about editing with OS EX what do you sugest?
I can't help you with any other Editing Program since I haven't used anything else except FCP4, But I can tell you how to get it cheaper, If your a Student or know a student you can get Final Cut Pro 4 Academic Edition for 500 bones. Plus you can save on many of there other programs and Equipment. Sorry Couldn’t be more help
i need to buy editing software i have been looking at final cut studio pro #3 or 4 very expensive 1800$ but i dont use mac. what do u think about editing with OS EX what do you sugest?
I suggest you get FCP.

Sure, it's expensive - but many aspects of making movies are. It's an acceptable business expence and well worth it!
For the PC, you can also look at Vegas ($400-ish) from Sony. There's a scaled down version called Movie Studio which I think runs around $70. It still has plenty of features. It's available at most computer stores.

Premiere Pro is pretty darn good too.

>>Self Teaching is a bitch sometimes.<<

Hear, Hear! I've been working on teaching myself to become a colorist and although it's great fun (at least I think so) it's a real pain too.
Premiere Pro is pretty effective but I'll admit I get frustrated with each new version of Premiere. It seems like they improve some lacking sections of the program at the expense of sections that were already working just fine.

AVID is great... Their XPress version is still pretty expensive though...
Yeah on Macs go with Final Cut Pro. If you're on a tight budget, you might want to look at Final Cut Express, can do the same things except for batch capture and some keyframing abilities.

[EXCEPT for decent titling options]

Interesting that you should say that. In all the reviews I read premiere is always mentioned for its great titling capabilities!
..maybe I haven't figured them out, but it's more possible that a newer version (I have 6LE) has great titling capabilities, or they're talking about after effects or something...All my version can do (as far as I know) is make titles appear, dissapear, and scroll. I wish it had at least a fade in/out effect for titles. Maybe it does, but I looked and looked in the Help index.
LOGAN L Productions said:
I have Adobe, and it has every feature I'll ever need EXCEPT for decent titling options...but whatayagonnado?
I use Photoshop for most of my titling. I find that the titles are much sharper & cleaner when going out to DV or DVD than with the built in titling tools in either FCP or in After Effects.
I wish it had at least a fade in/out effect for titles. Maybe it does

You can place the titles on Video Track 2 (or higher) and use the transparency rubber bands to go from 0 to 100 to 0 again.