What "Dying-Scenes" can you recall?

Hello everybody,

I am currently working on a list of well-known, constantly recurring movie scenes, camera shots and compositions. The cliché or stereotype in cinema, basically.

Right now I am focusing on movies, which contain a classic dramatic dying-scene: one person is lying on the ground, a second person is bending over, listening to the last words. Always a dramatic climax in a movie.

I attached some examples of that classic shot:




I would be more than happy, if anybody could help me out a little.
What movies do you recall, which contain such a scene? It does not matter, what decade or genre. In fact, it would be even more interesting and fun to compile a very diverse list!

Thank you very much for any help!

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(I just realised that the links to my images were broken … Sorry about that)

Hello Zensteve,

thanks a lot for the quick reply! Those are some nice examples :)
Can you think of any more scenes which look pretty similar to each other? Just like they were staged in a very particular how-to-do-it-way, if that makes sense :)
I wouldn't exactly consider this 'cliche' or anything. The use of close up is to emphasize the expressions of the dying and the comforter to maximize the emotional impact; this is why most non-major characters typically die offscreen or in less dramatic ways.

And now, to completely contradict my point, here's a screencap from Tropic Thunder:


(Couldn't find the exact screencap on GIS but it's in the movie. Twice.)
I think I'd be letting my username down if I couldn't help out with this, so let's see what I can come up with....

Michael Sullivan's death in Road to Perdition


Danny in American History X


Penny in Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog


Gina in Scarface


Robby in Atonement


And I can't find any pictures of it, but I also thought about when Meg Ryan's character dies at the end of City of Angels?

I dunno if these all necessarily match the criteria, but they're all variations on the same theme aren't they? One character holding another character as/after they die?
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Thanks a lot for your input so far, some of the examples are very good. Others do not quite fit well into the list, because the scene does not uses the classic camera angle.

I found this video, which is a bit silly, but since the scene uses the typical cliché camera shot it belongs to the list :
