What Draws you to Filmmaking?

I've always wondered what it is that draws the people here towards wanting to make films.
For me I guess it's a simple one that probably applies to a lot of people here: I love films. So, that in mind I always thought, 'why don't I give making some shorts a go?'
Admittedly I haven't got anytihng made or actually written yet =\ but I have some ideas and I really wanna get them done soon
I fell in love with cinema at a pretty young age. I've got a vivid imagination, and I've always enjoyed a movie's ability to take us to an exciting new world -- a fantasy world where archeaologists all carry whips, time-travel is possible, and the good guy always gets the girl.

I'm getting a somewhat late-start filmmaking, because I'm one of the people for whom filmmaking seemed like an impossible dream, and I chose a "realistic" career path.

Just as I enjoy immersing myself in the imaginary worlds that others have created, I equally (moreso, actually) enjoy creating my own fantasy world, for others to (hopefully) have fun immersing themselves in.

So, in a few words, what draws me to filmmaking? It's fun.
The fact that I watch films and think 'Why did they do that?'... I'm not really a 'How did they do that?' sort of guy, but I hate watching films where it's painfully obvious that they're doing it wrong.

That makes me want to go out there and take the reigns off them :D
I'm primarily right brain wired, so it was meant to be. Music, costumes, dialog, lighting, imagery, characters, sound design, storytelling, going back in time, going forward, going places where only the mind can take us and capturing it forever with the ability for millions and generations to enjoy, study, ponder, entertain... oh yeah, that's the stuff. Love it! I can't quit you!
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ive tried to answer this like five times and every time i just keep adding more stuff ... so i figure why label it? i just love film and making art
I have always loved creation and creating things.
And my imagination runs wild at full force all day and night through a variety of subjects which is why i first became a writer. Scripts at first followed by poems,flash fiction, and raps but with writing im not good enough. i cant show without writing in script format.

Eventually, i thought itd be easier to shoot my stories than anyone else because i know what i want.

Then i fell deeply in love with cinema and realized it all.
Hmm, for me it comes from the need to communicate. I think that the ability to take an idea that is in my head and convey it to someone else is extremely powerful. I think that we can only use words to communicate a limited amount... image takes it to a whole new level. The ability to take an audience, who has willingly surrendered their time, to where ever you please, to teach them whatever you want, to show them whatever vision and passion you feel... thats what I am in it for. That and to have some AWESOME fun along the way :)

Ever since i happened to write this on the foot of my school folder, I could see nothing more.

"It is in the manner of the pursuit that will decide what one will truly become"
I'm a creative person by nature (so they say), and I've always been drawn to visual storytelling devices. I tend to keep myself busy writing short fiction, reviews, novels, poetry and the like, but I have the most fun writing film scripts, and that's ultimately where I want to go as a writer.
To tell stories that are unique, to work with a dedicated group of creative people, and to make new friends. Sometimes the hard part is finding people who are dedicated and we end up with flakes.
The potential to make lots of money??? Art, I mean, I love the art of it. And I want to express myself in a way that will make people want to pay me a lot of money to keep expressing myself that way.

Seriously though, I need a creative outlet.
storytelling, complex organized projects, filming it self, picture and sound..

Just to create something from scratch I like a lot.

And most of all, now days it's kinda affordable. when I was young it just wasn't affordable and the quality of the affordable videocam's where really poor in my opinion.. so now I saw my change with the littlebit of savings I did.

I must say that the complex organizing can also be a reason why I will quit one day.. it takes a lot of time and energy before you have a result. It's not like music where you have instant result... I like instant result haha.

mike d.
The potential to make lots of money??? Art, I mean, I love the art of it. And I want to express myself in a way that will make people want to pay me a lot of money to keep expressing myself that way.

Seriously though, I need a creative outlet.

Ha, 100% agree. It's a creative and fulfilling way to spend time in the hopes of eventually getting an opportunity to sell my soul and compromise everything I believe in for a whole lot of money.