what did you use???

what was your budget and equipment used to make your first film...be it a short film or anything..

Im in the process of making my first short story/doc

just curious what you guys/gals used to make yours???
Student film, but it one two fests, so I'll condier that the first.
3 min. B&W Music Video
Arri-S camera, CMX 600 editing suite, no budget. MOS.
Ha ha! I'll see your Arri-S and raise you (lower you) a Revere spring-wound, 14 fps, silent, regular-8mm (the format where you had to flip the reel over after shooting the first 90 seconds of film in order to shoot the second half), stop-motion animated (even though the camera had no single-frame capability), edited in-camera. Ah, how far we've come since 1978.
Samsung miniDV consumer cam ($200)
pizza, wine, & beer ($250)
4 nights
3 actors, 3 crew
a bunch of props we already owned
edited on a free program that came with my PC
Do you mean our first "real" film? Not that it really matters, but I posted my student film stats.
Sony Digital-8 camcorder
Actor from acting class (nabbed on his first day :lol:)
$20 of goofy props from local magic store.

It was a fantastic film.
First real film (non-student)
22 min, Super-16
Arri SR-2, Avid, Da Vinci 2K color correction, full crew
Budget $20K+
Canon Optura Mini DV (before it had a # and looked like a still camera)

Adobe Premiere 5.0 for editing (pre-firewire for me)

Matrox Marvel 200 analog capture card (pre-real time boards)

Budget in the TENS OF DOLLARS range for food and gas for peeps



This is it and it's horrid.
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im just curious what was used to make your very first film...atleast the first finished film or project you were somewhat proud of...

and how much you spent and equipment used and what you learned from that...
My first film (non-student): Videotaped my brother's band


2 3-chip Handicams, one Sony, one Canon
1 tripod
2 XLR cables, one to connect to the audio board
All equipment was borrowed.

It cost more for accommodations and to drive to where the band was than it did to shoot it.

1 trip to Chicago: $60 round trip
1 trip to Toronto: $80 round trip (gas was cheaper in 2004, drive distance was about the same)
1 hotel stay: $70 (Canadian rate exchange)
1 buffet breakfast for 2 people approx $30 (I had a co-worker friend volunteer, plus he knew audio and could shoot. Big ups to that guy!)

1 Triptik from AAA, 1 Atlas

1 Bob Marley CD, Legend (at 6am, you can't listen to anything loud)
1 Alice in Chains CD, Nothing Safe
The entire TOOL library
various other CDs

TOTAL COST: about $240. You can see the final product at: myspace.com/voodoochildrenfilm
Look for the SILVER ATLAS project.

It was great. I paid for the lions share of the 'budget', I was the director. It can be difficult to do a film of any kind. But if you have at least one reliable motivated partner in crime, alot can be accomplished in terms of an indie documentary.

-- spinner :cool:
Mine was shot on a Fisher, -one of the first cameras you got without the portable recorder.

I lived on a group of islands. My pal and I always saw an in particularly beautiful little island from the car and promised to go there to shoot a Treasure Island film as soon as the weather would be absolutely windless. After two years waiting we realized that the time had come, went there, slept on the beach, shot for two days and the film became even better than expected.
2004 - my first film was "9"
JVC MiniDV consumer camcorder... Vegas Pro...

on food and tapes i spent a little under $100...

had no idea what i was doing... didn't even know anyone who was involved in filmmaking... just decided i wanted to make one... so i wrote a script.. bought a camera... conned some friends into being in it... and away i went haha