A follow-up to a previous convo a few years ago: back then, I really wasn’t in the mood for defending my affinity for “Avatar”. It weirded me out that I had to do that (even more often IRL than on here). Like, we don’t think it’s weird when someone says they like Thai curry more than pizza, we just accept that they do.
If anyone is curious why I enjoy that movie so much it’s rather simple - Jake Sully’s life parallels mine in many ways.
Jake Sully is a colonizer. I’m not, but my parents are. At the age of thirteen my family uprooted me from my PNW roots and took me to the island of Saipan. Most indigenous people on Saipan don’t want us there. I had to assimilate to the local culture in order to not get bullied. I’ve survived attempted murder, literally, and the person who tried to kill me was doing so because of the color of my skin. My strategy worked; I assimilated the F out of that culture and I’m now accepted as local, an incredibly rare thing for a haolie to do.
Sound familiar? That’s basically the premise for “Avatar”. James Cameron turned my life story into a blockbuster sci-fi.
There’s also the fact that I have always loved the idea of rebirth (I have a large tattoo of the Phoenix, for context). Jake Sully is literally reborn. So that’s the 2nd way it speaks to me.
The audio and music are wonderful. The SFX are the best CGI ever to exist and the art direction was mesmerizing.
And then there’s my affinity for James Cameron. He has two movies in my top-ten. I also think he’s just cool. After shattering box office records with “Avatar”, any other filmmaker would’ve capitalized by rushing a sequel. But he was like, “nah, I feel like going to the bottom of the Mariana Trench”. Mind you, he didn’t fund a group of scientists to go to the deepest spot in the world - HE wanted to go himself, so he did, lol.
And finally, I have a degree in anthropology, meaning I’ve spent a great deal of time studying how Culture works and what happens when two very different cultures clash and don’t get along. Just my two cents - they nailed it. A lot of people think the Na’vi represent indigenous Americans, but in my opinion they could represent ANY indigenous culture being colonized by another culture with more advanced weapons and technology, from the Inu in Japan, to the Chinese in Nanjing, all people of Oceania, including the Aboriginals in Australia and the Maori in New Zealand, the Inuit in Canada and Alaska and the thousands of indigenous tribes spanning N and S America, the Aztec, the first Irish peoples, and the entire continent of Africa. In every single situation, the colonization of those lands happened exactly as it went down in “Avatar”. James Cameron didn’t just write a movie he thought would be fun - he clearly did some research in both the fields of history and archaeology. As a science nerd, I like that, as contrasted to a shitty movie like “10,00 BC”, which completely ignored science (the pyramids weren’t built by slaves but indentured servants who were treated quite well, wooly mammoths and saber-toothed tigers were both extinct, and how the F did the hero walk from Northern Europe to North Africa in like two days?! Hahaha!
I certainly don’t need everyone else to like it, and I do recognize that it has some flaws (some of the dialog is wonky and some of the acting off-putting) but just let me have my Thai curry.