Well, I've reached a big moment

Booked a screen at a local "art" theatre (seats about 250) for the Nashville premiere of my film. I got a discount for being a local filmmaker so $500 for a weeknight including projectionist. I'm in the process of rounding up another couple of shorts to fill out the two hours. I guess I have a hard deadline to get post completed now! (actually should be done in a week or so). If there is anybody in the general area, who would be interested in showing your short, shoot me a PM. I'm handling all the up front promotional costs, and you would get a percentage of any profits (at $7.00 a ticket 71 people puts us in the black).
Congrats! What is your film about? It may help to show shorts of a similar genre, or theme even.
Awesome dude! Here's wishing everything goes smooth! Here's a tip - if the theater is selling food and drink, have someone sit at a table and sell souvenir programs or movie posters, or soundtracks if you've got one. If they aren't selling food and drink, that's a great little way to get a profit. I self financed a second screening of our feature and just broke even by selling cookies.

Wish I could come, but it's a bit far! What's the flick about?
It's a sci fi/thriller. Adaptation I wrote of one of the public domain H.P. Lovecraft stories "Beyond the Wall of Sleep". Black and white, noir meets Universal Horror cinematography for 80% of the film with a color dream, sequence 2/3 through. Runtime about 33 minutes with credits. I will try and find some films if not of the same genre, at least genres I think the crowd will like. I'd love to make money, but should at least break even. There should be 71 people just from the cast and crew's friends.

Make sure you flier the hell out of your city and neighboring cities--and make sure the fliers look nice.

Also, slam Facebook and Myspace with the date and time. And make sure you test the projector and sound...and also bring a second copy of your DVD or tape...or if you're using tape...make sure you bring a DVD--sometimes humidity can mess with the read of the tape, and you'll have a 'head cleaning' message over your screening...it's happened to us. Annoying...

Good luck.