Want To Make IndieTalk: The Movie?

And we could get a segment with a guy (<edit>or gal</edit>) trying to tie it all together in another segment and then use massive parallel action to make a thriller. Interweave all of the vignettes, not just with endings meeting the beginnings, but storylines running alongside one another through editing.
In all fairness...since this is Contempovision Films' idea, I think CF should guide how the project is executed. Based on his previous posts, it sounds like he wants to go with a single crew handling the actual filming/taping of a single story, but that other teams can get involved with script writing/editing/post/audio/etc.
I can see it now...

Wide shot of a spammer filling envelopes, then later dropping them into a post box.

Enter all of us going to the mailbox, getting the same chain letter.

We follow each of us on how this letter affects our lives, all in different ways.

Does this sound good? I like this. This way, everyone gets to shoot something different and original.
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Unfortunately, for me, I'm toooooo busy right now to participate, except for throwing out ideas.

So John, you're right. the ones that will actually be doing it should chime in.
Unfortunately, for me, I'm toooooo busy right now to participate, except for throwing out ideas.

Same here... more than willing to chip into the script development process.

Be good if CF spoke to you about distribution though!

Phil D said:
If I may wade in.

The whole internet/computer related storyline is great, as it ties in nicely with the way the film will be made.

But an email is not a very interesting thing visually. One idea is that it could be a website that people stumble upon, that then somehow effects them in some way. Causing them to do things, or become pawns in a larger plot.

This might sound a bit Scooby Do, but it could be through some sort of hypnotic suggestion hidden within the web page. You could then design a page that is visually more arresting than an email message. (Think of the image on the video in "The Ring" as this concept is verging on the same territory)

The website then becomes a part of the marketing tool of the actual film, like Blair Witch.

Anyway, just a thought to add to the mix.
This sounds a bit like the film, FearDotCom... You'd want to be careful not to parallel that story...

Ok, well i think we have to decide a couple of things. 1) What type of film/s are we going to do & 2) Who is going to join in where.

1) Theres a few options:

A) 1 longer film with weaving stories from around the world, with different filming crews
B) 1 film, one filming crew, with different writers,editors,composers,etc...
C) I thought of another way to combine the two: The first short film deals with the person/happenings of what is going to effect the others around the world. Then every 'episode/sequel' coming after that might deal with how that effects each person from around the world.

So lets all give your opinion with what type of production we shall do.

The thread right now is really going off to story development, lets get back on track. Lets choose what type of production we are going to do, then we can start dishing out who is going to help with what. When we decide what type we are going to do, we can get these good ideas out in the story development thread. clive & cootdog, keep in mind that this will probably take a little while to get to the filming stage, so lets not make those a definite too busy until we get there, because your contribution is vaulable!
I would suggest going with option B or C, but avoid option A. As great of an idea as it might sound, I think if you base the "completed" project on a concept that requires separately produced projects from multiple parties...it may take too long to get done. Some groups may run into snags (production, financing, scheduling) or they just might lose interest.

However, if follow up episodes do get made, the entire project could eventually get re-edited into a compilation feature. But if not, at least the initial short wlil stand on its own.
clive & cootdog, keep in mind that this will probably take a little while to get to the filming stage, so lets not make those a definite too busy until we get there, because your contribution is vaulable!

My diary is full for the next twelve months! Seriously, I'm having to get up two hours earlier just to keep on top of my screenplays. [which is great, not complaining, loving it in fact] But still more than happy to help with the script development.

Ok, well i think we have to decide a couple of things. 1) What type of film/s are we going to do & 2) Who is going to join in where.

As you're producing you really ought to decide, as you'll end up with the largest time commitment to the project.

Oh, and just to throw a spanner in the works --

I once started developing a project called "Pull the Trigger" -- it was the story of a gun which passes through the hands of six different people after it's dumped by a murderer.

The key to the film was the fact that once the inital shooing happens the gun is never fired again throughout the whole film -- in fact my favorite sequence was where a film crew mistake it for a prop in a Russian Roulette scene and nearly end up blowing off the lead actor's head, but he's constantly saved technical problems.

Just rambling! But also pointing out that their an infinite number of ways to run a series of stories together.

Especially if you're an old fart who has seen films like "The Yellow Rolls Royce" and feels confident that no on will figure out where you highjacked the idea! LOL
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Why not have something like the original outline for Horrors of War (3 directors, 3 stories)? Have a feature with 3 seemingly unrelated chracters, but have it tie together when the actions of each character interferes with the others? Call it "Chaos Theory" and get Jeff Goldbloom to give it a thumbs up and you're set. (You remember... a butterfly flaps it's wings in Tokyo, and the weather changes in New York...)

This way, you can at least give 3 directors/crews a chance to get in on the sweet pie that is filmmaking, while telling one story. Look at "Crash"- even when some of the characters barely interact, they still affect the others. You want to get creative with editing and greenscreens and you won't need to have people at the same locations. This can be done, but I think the problem (as it seems to have been in the past) is a lack of drive from all ends. Therefore, make everyone's role (except the producer, poor chap) as little-time-consuming as possible, and increase the chance of this getting made.
I apologise in advance for this!

What if you make the central character a GLOVE PUPPET! -- Then you could post him/her/it to the next director.

Sorry, weird lateral thinking is my thing and there is no cure for it. :no: ... and I did apologise in advance.

Please don't PASS on this idea, because if you do I might have to do it myself -- and I really, really, really don't have the time.

Seriously I can feel the idea getting out of control already --- a worldwide film competition to use the same glove puppet as the central character in as many different films as possible -- the entries being uploaded to a website -- the entry cost is the purchase of the puppets from the web shop -- the money raised used to generate the prizes.

Must stop idea --- must regain control -- must find MEDICATION! -- must not do anymore films with glove puppets!
Coming in late to this terrific thread. I'm seeing lots of great ideas and putting up of hands. I'd love to be of use, somehow. (actor, writer) Is anyone keeping track of who's volunteering and what for? That might be a good place to start organizing things. If a chart could be created that lists task, name of volunteer, country of origin, or somesuch stuff - then those who opt to organize this project can see at a glance who wants to do what job. Maybe someone could volunteer a part of their website to host the project (a virtual project HQ/office/greenroom), accessible by a password?
Ok, for now, heres the homepage for the project: www.cvfilms.net/indietalkthemovie.html
I head count is a good idea, and ill put the names up on the crew part of the site, so if you interested, officially say so, and what roles you want to do!

When we get the numbers up, well decide what option, A, B or C. But unless we get a few people that will definitly be up for doing the filming, as previously said, we'll have to go B or C.
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Consider me "official"- in what capacity, I am uncertain. Like most indies, I have talents in many areas. My best spots though are wardrobe/ make-up, script supervisor and director. ;)
Kane -- you can put Bophe down for a contribution (in part or in full) to soundtrack and score. We are also able to work on sound editing and design.

Feel free to contact me if you want to also discuss additional production assistance