Want To Make IndieTalk: The Movie?

One important part which we will have to choose is whos the target audeince. I was intenting it to be a short film that would look at festivals first, but that could change with everyone putting in their 2 cents. I think it'll be fun to do regardless, but i don't just want it to be for fun. cibao mentioned about making 9-12 short films. Clive's idea is more in line with what i was thinking of, making this one short, and if it generates interest and a following, make some 'sequels' to follow, and the podcast way clive mentioned is smart, considering that technology is real popular now.

I think the determination of each individual is important, and it would be harder in the situation you described mdifilm. I think clive again was following what i meant with this, keep it as simple as we can. With making one film at a time between all involved, i think it would make all involved accountable for their particular part.

With the separate threads, will indietalk allow us to make multiple threads for each part? I have thought of this also, and if indie will let us, that would be great. If so, where would you like us to start these threads? If not, i have my forum for CV Films where we can do the specific threads. I have got a few up there, but i'd rather keep it here if possible, i'm sure all will agree.

Finding out who has what resources where in the world to start sorting out who is doing what is a good first step, but maybe we should wait, i don't know, a week on this, just incase some members haven't even seen this thread yet.

clive, with the one person handling the post, if we can find someone that can do it, and is willing, that might make it less patchy. But say with composing, are you counting that with post? I think some of the post would be good to share the load, i'll wait for how you respond to this.
I can't speak for indie, but as an ex moderator I'd be surprised if mulitple threads would be a problem, whereas pulling people to another forum would be.

And you wouldn't need to run all of them at the same time -- why not use this thread to gather production resources and co-ordinate the production, set up another called intalk-movie the story.

Once you've got a basic concept, open a third for character development -- run those threads in paralell until you've got your story outlined, then open up a script thread.
Sounds very interesting. I would be up for something like this, provided I can squeeze it in without compromising Johnny's feature "The Rapture". It shoots in July.
In our non-Bophe lives, Charles and I both come from project management backgrounds. It would seem that a project like this would need one central point of coordination to keep everything moving forward and to be the source for communication. We could help out in this capacity (in addition to sound editing and contributing to the score).

I could put up a project website so everyone could post updates, see the schedule, etc.
In our non-Bophe lives, Charles and I both come from project management backgrounds

That's good to know -- I agree good project management is key to this.

Actually if we go back to film 101, it would make sense for someone to stick their hand up and say "I will take the producer role"

notice the quotes -- that's not an offer -- LOL!

You could then take Bophe's offer up to Line Produce (correct me if I'm wrong) and use that as the springboard for the creative work.
Clive & all involved so far, i didn't really say much in the description, but when i proposed the idea, in my mind i was the producer, i can see where i wanted this to go. Now i do want to do this, and i could set up the movies pages on my site (cvfilms.net). Its not the best site ever seen, but its easy to navigate through. Although clive's idea of Bophe's offer to Line Produce, with the website, thats another good option. If you could im me or post up here Bophe what you could do in this respect, and if it sounds good to you!
Ok, heres an idea i thought up during my dinner break. How about shooting several different scenes in various parts of the world so we can all contribute, and make the main character just a voiceover, someone you never see which will have an aura of mystery.

Now imagine we film 12 segments of only 7 mins that would be a feature length film (12 x 7 mins = 84 mins) and we could all arrange a screening at our local "indie friendly" cinema to ensure a worldwide release.

Meantime i shall do some more thinking about a story idea...

Any suggestions?
Eddie, heres my opinion with your idea. In my mind, and of the other stories, it sounds like that type of thing will be hard to do for the simple fact that not everybody will come through with the goods. I suggest we stick with the one short/one shooting crew. This way the footage won't appear to be so patchy. And if we generate enough interest with this, we could do the 'sequel' with footage from different places like you are suggesting. I think this way it will turn out better, because by then, we would have more of an idea with how to make the footage look like, so it wouldn't look so patchy and different. And also, if the first is successful, people will really want to come through and finish their part for the second one, because it would already have some audience.
I think the only way it could really work is if the movie is actually a bunch of vignettes that revolve around the same premise (see Four Rooms). I don't think a traditional narrative would work in a case like this.

I had this idea (the vignette one) some time ago -- the premise being people somehow affected by death -- for instance, I wrote one of the planned vignettes about how four people's lifes changed when death paid them a visit (three lived, one died).

My idea was very Twilight Zone like, but I think you could do it for pretty much any genre.

I think it'd be interesting to have a movie about a scam sent by email that people fall for in various countries. Each episode shot in a different country about different kinds of people falling for the scam. The thread to hold it together is that it's the same scam. Whoever takes charge of the whole production can decide what the scam is and shoot the segments of the criminal behind it.
I'd say make it decentralized, it can just be lots of episodes and participating filmmakers can have freedom to shoot whatever they want, as long as each episode's main character falls for the scam.
The project definitely would need a "champion" to drive the whole thing forward and to make the first episode to get it off the ground.
If each episode was 5 to 7 minutes it shouldn't be too hard to get people on board.
The interesting thing about films like this is the different approaches filmmakers will take - it would be fruitless to try to get a consistent tone or style in the film.
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Poke. That idea seems like a couple people like the idea of making a few different segments from around the world. Its a good idea, and i do like it, but what i had in my mind before was everyone putting in something different from around the world, just on a single project. Why couldn't it be written by numerous people from here. I think that is do'able. Then when the scripts finished, send that to the director, and he gathers his crew of dop's, actors, etc to film the script, which is what happens in most films. Then that gets sent to the editing group, maybe the same people editing, sound, video, etc. Then a composer can do his thing. I think that, being a very basic outline, is something we could do. Mind you, the way i think, might be bias here (you can do anything if you really want to) :)

Yes, i agree with the forum talk. We should keep it here. The only reason that i set up a basic one on my forums was just in case indietalk didn't want multiple topics, but the way it sounds, he won't mind :)
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I think it'd be interesting to have a movie about a scam sent by email that people fall for in various countries. Each episode shot in a different country about different kinds of people falling for the scam. The thread to hold it together is that it's the same scam. Whoever takes charge of the whole production can decide what the scam is and shoot the segments of the criminal behind it.
I'd say make it decentralized, it can just be lots of episodes and participating filmmakers can have freedom to shoot whatever they want, as long as each episode's main character falls for the scam.
The project definitely would need a "champion" to drive the whole thing forward and to make the first episode to get it off the ground.
If each episode was 5 to 7 minutes it shouldn't be too hard to get people on board.
The interesting thing about films like this is the different approaches filmmakers will take - it would be fruitless to try to get a consistent tone or style in the film.

This seems ideal

Especially if you combine it with

for instance, I wrote one of the planned vignettes about how four people's lifes changed when death paid them a visit (three lived, one died).

It seems to me what you have there potentially is an e-mail scam that could be fatal and plays out in different people lives in different ways -- some die, some survive (but each having learned valuable life lessons! LOL)
Clive, just love how your mind works! It could add a supernatural element by making the email prophetic. That way, rather than a crime centered film, you get a thriller.
If I may wade in.

The whole internet/computer related storyline is great, as it ties in nicely with the way the film will be made.

But an email is not a very interesting thing visually. One idea is that it could be a website that people stumble upon, that then somehow effects them in some way. Causing them to do things, or become pawns in a larger plot.

This might sound a bit Scooby Do, but it could be through some sort of hypnotic suggestion hidden within the web page. You could then design a page that is visually more arresting than an email message. (Think of the image on the video in "The Ring" as this concept is verging on the same territory)

The website then becomes a part of the marketing tool of the actual film, like Blair Witch.

Anyway, just a thought to add to the mix.
Phil D said:
But an email is not a very interesting thing visually. One idea is that it could be a website that people stumble upon, that then somehow effects them in some way. Causing them to do things, or become pawns in a larger plot.

That sounds "Fight Club"ish!

I like the idea. What about those nigerian scams we get in email, but you get a letter, scribbed on parchment, or something like that.. OLD OLD paper. That ads a tangible "feel" that people can relate to: holding a strange letter.

It could go on and on as a prophetic tale, and of you don't do this or send it to someone else, something bad happens. If you pass it on, somehting good happens. You've all seen those emails or chain letters.

But this one is true, and happens all around the world.

So you as the producer gets to decide of they follow the commands of the paper, or toss it. Does something good happen, or something bad?

I like the "Four Rooms" type film. Since it's one of my favorites. It has 2 main "glues" holding it together: 1) same character in each room, and 2) the physical location of the hotel

However, this thing we're all talking about, there's only 2 things "gleuing it together" 1) same letter to each person and, 2) a decision to do it or not.

In fact, I could see say 6 filmmakers decide to do this. The film goes from the first person finding the letter, dealing with if they are going to do it or not, then we see their decision, do it or toss it... THEN next filmmakers part.... after all 6 play, we see what happens to the 6 letter getters.

Does that make sense? or can you not understand what I'm getting at?
There's already a sucessful series out there based on a group of people using chat to discuss pirating DVDs.

Can't remember the name.

Rather than a website per see -- what about a MPORPG -- that way some of the forum's up and coming computer anamators could get a taste.

That's pretty visual.