Hey guys -
I'm always looking for the shortest route between two points. All of the ideas sound great, but require a lot of logistics, planning, time, effort, sweat, etc. There's a lot of waypoints in the mix.
CV, why not do this in the short term: just make an IndieTalk DVD that's a compilation of several shorts that people have already made, give it an IndieTalk brand, and sell it? Split the proceeds to everyone on a pro-rated basis, store some on the side for doing the next one.
Put a call out, collect the pieces, make a nice DVD with a good menu system that you can travese through the various shorts.
Now you're talking about taking work that's already out there, and the costs to get it started are minimal - time to put together a good DVD menu / master, and whatever the costs are to put it on IndieTalk's advertiser's system, those DVD seller people. Make a storefront, etc.
"Best Of IndieTalk" or something like that.
No haggling over storylines, wreslting over creative control, etc. Also no issues with travel.