Want To Make IndieTalk: The Movie?

Hey guys -

I'm always looking for the shortest route between two points. All of the ideas sound great, but require a lot of logistics, planning, time, effort, sweat, etc. There's a lot of waypoints in the mix.

CV, why not do this in the short term: just make an IndieTalk DVD that's a compilation of several shorts that people have already made, give it an IndieTalk brand, and sell it? Split the proceeds to everyone on a pro-rated basis, store some on the side for doing the next one.

Put a call out, collect the pieces, make a nice DVD with a good menu system that you can travese through the various shorts.

Now you're talking about taking work that's already out there, and the costs to get it started are minimal - time to put together a good DVD menu / master, and whatever the costs are to put it on IndieTalk's advertiser's system, those DVD seller people. Make a storefront, etc.

"Best Of IndieTalk" or something like that.

No haggling over storylines, wreslting over creative control, etc. Also no issues with travel.
An intriguing way to possibly generate some cash for the IndieTalk feature - but a heck of a lot of work, too. It would be interesting to 'brand' IndieTalk to the outside world via a compilation of shorts, but I imagine IndieTalk's owner/admin would have a say about that. I'm not a fan of using 'best of' either with something like this. It implies that whatever is included has been juried and judged for inclusion - unless that would be the case? Again would IndieTalk admin be putting a veritable stamp of approval on each selection?

I could be over thinking this response big time. I do work in advertising after all :lol:
Well, yeah, IndieTalk would probably have to be involved and put a "branding" on it. Otherwise, it would just be a bunch of shorts.

As for selection, make it the premiere members judging, voting, and submitting.
Also I don't think it would be a lot of work. One guy getting all of the stuff and making a DVD is not a big issue. Four or five man days of work, maybe 10-15 if you got really crazy with it. But that's nothing compared to making a whole feature film from scratch, and certainly less work than would be involved in trying to collaborate with tons and tons of people online.

Those CustomFlix guys could take the master and handle sales, etc.
If you want to continue a discussion about a compilation DVD, please start a new thread so we can return this one back to its original intent. Thanks!
Contempovision Films said:
So Ladd, are you suggesting to put out a indietalk best of vol 1, then with the money, later on make a vol 2?

Well, maybe not a "best of", but yeah, make an IndieTalk short films compilation.

And since everyone who's got a piece in the DVD would be motivated to talk it up, you'd have a fairly large set of mouths talking it up, I think advertising would not be a difficult thing either.
John@Bophe said:
If you want to continue a discussion about a compilation DVD, please start a new thread so we can return this one back to its original intent. Thanks!

The thread was IndieTalk: The Movie. That's what we're discussing.
Well if someone want to do that, that would be great. But i'm here to get this film off the ground, so i'm not really interested. The advertising method though is exactly what i was/am hoping will work for this film.
Hey guys. Sorry about me not being around for a while. Had some really dodgey things happening with my line or something to do with my broadband connection, just got fixed (i hope its the last of the problems!) and its the first time i've been on the net for something like over 2 weeks :( Ill read all the new posts and get back to y'all!

Cheers, Kane.
hello, this is what i am going to do soon, the cast are chosen from each country, the DP is from Paris, the director is from Korea, the sound engineer is from NYC. etc etc.. I don't have much budget, but all are doing on profit sharing with initial investments for our travel, fooding, locations and equipments. Did anyone miss out?