archived-videos Vote For Best Film (Round #2)

We have some fearsome entries to be taken into consideration. Please take the time to view all three before selecting your nomination.

This is for the "Popular Vote", and is a straight up poll. The film with the most votes wins, period. Votes will close in two weeks.

In order received, here are the three films that have entered the fray and risen to the challenge.

"Curse of the Invisible Man"

"Sometimes They Come Loose"

Constant Time

Congratulations to all entries! :cheers:
Upvote 0
Gosh, this race/vote is about as heated as the Presidential elections!

It's going to be a close one. ;) Let's not start those "ad's" about one another and then say "I approve this message." :lol: j/k
Hey!!!! 10 votes in the first day (so far, that is ... the day is long from over) is damn good! We will definitely be breaking last round's vote count. Go us!

So far I've seen Poke's and Zen's. Great work!

In both, the male lead was on the ground in distress, in the first, and last shot. Coincidence? Telepathy? :hmm:
Congratulations to all three moviemakers! ... and to Zensteve even though your movie didn't qualify at least you made a movie ... I planned on submitting a movie - I wrote a script, bought a few props but then didn't have the time :( ...
I wrote a script, bought a few props but then didn't have the time

I hope you eventually follow through on what idea you came up with, Mr Vega. :yes:

The time limit is a difficult constraint, yes. But half of the idea is to get people thinking, working & doing. It's getting that creative process in motion.

Didn't finish in time? No worry. You have the seed (and script) of a film there... and with the deadline done with, you'll have plenty of time to make your vision come to fruition.

I anticipate seeing the completed project in the Screening Room, when it is wrapped. :cool:
Wow, 20 votes in two days .... Round 1 ended with ... what? 22? Help me out here Zen.

My hat goes off to everyone who is taking the time to watch the films and vote.

Yes sir.

It was 22 votes total for the last Round
(Where I soundly thrashed you).

It took almost a week to get above 10 votes, then a flurry came in during the second week.

I hope people continue to vote for these fine flicks. I expected it to be slow like last time; thus the two weeks still to vote. Should have stuck to one... and will do so in the future.
It's tough to judge three films in three different styles, but while they all had good points (I liked the effects in Invisible and the dry humor in Constant), I thought "Sometimes They Come Loose" was the best-produced and most effective of the three. They were really impressive all-around, though, especially given the collaborative nature of the competition.