archived-videos Vote For Best Film (Round #2)

We have some fearsome entries to be taken into consideration. Please take the time to view all three before selecting your nomination.

This is for the "Popular Vote", and is a straight up poll. The film with the most votes wins, period. Votes will close in two weeks.

In order received, here are the three films that have entered the fray and risen to the challenge.

"Curse of the Invisible Man"

"Sometimes They Come Loose"

Constant Time

Congratulations to all entries! :cheers:
Upvote 0
The poll closes on Friday, November 5th at 5pm Pacific.

I'm not sure what that translates to, in roo-time, but four or five days should be planty of time to view the rest.

Just want to say good job everyone who participated! I was going to participate but I'm in the middle of shooting for another project (lack of time).

They all had there strong points but I voted looking at overall quality. I voted for "Sometimes they come loose".

Toxzy :yes:
Still just under four days left and we're nearing 50 votes!!! If anyonehasn't voted yet, please be sure and do so. I'd like to see us get to 60 votes!

Oh and ... uh ... thanks to everyone who has voted so far ...

slacker said:
roo-time :grumpy: why i oughtta?!

As an ex-pat Kiwi, it is my duty... or dare I say birthright... to needle Aussies any chance I may get. :lol:

I hope you'll be able to view all three films, and cast a fair vote, good sir.

Now if you'll excuse me, my Kiwi heritage is kicking in and I must take care of certain business. Cheerio.

Christopher said:
Just want to say good job everyone who participated! I was going to participate but I'm in the middle of shooting for another project (lack of time).

Having seen some of your previous films, you would no doubt have come up with a formidable entry.

(You beat the heck out of my entry for NYC Midnight's "Amateur Magician", for sure)

DreamOrphans make some very unique and compelling flicks. Maybe we'll get you next time. :)
Thanks for the nice comment Zensteve! I will definitly participate if it happens again. I didn't get a chance to watch your entry to NYC midnight madness? Where is it posted?

Toxzy :)