Used Grip Gear

I did my first "commercial" DP gig for a local client. We shot in a pro studio\stage. I had a couple hours to myself to set up lights and play with grip gear.


c-stands, gobo heads, flags, butterflies.. on and on..

where can I find CHEAP heavily used c-stands, heads and assorted grip goodies for sale online?

eBay has actually been pretty good to me for a lot of used lighting and grip.

The problem with buying used, grip specifically, is that it lasts forever. C stands are "simple and rugged enough to last a century". It's the same technology they used in the pioneer days of he industry more or less. It's good in terms of value for your purchase, but he only times you find a lot of gear for sale is a studio going out of business or an independent retiring.

The other problem with ordering C-stands specifically, new or used, is shipping. They're large and heavy haha. Unless you can physically pick them up somewhere local...

So, you're asking for used, but the best advice I can give from personal experience is where I got mine new for a deal. Digital Juice sells c-stands and once every couple months or so they'll have a crazy deal on them like buy one get one free. I was able to pick two up, with shipping, for $120. They're the same Chinese stands you'll get from any discount seller but since they're shipping from America it's a lot less expensive.

Now, hopefully someone else has better advice for you for used!
yeah, I kinda figured out on my own that the price for used is not much less than new. I think Ill hit up the local rental houses and buy a couple c-stands. Then I can piece in heads and what nots at a lower per piece price from ebay etc..
Yeah, this is the stuff that enables you to do everything :)

If you're looking for the real stuff, buy Matthews. They have been around for ages and are whats being used on most sets. I bought some new C-Stands in the UK. Whilst they aren't cheap, I am sure I'll still have them in 20 years or more :) I bought double risers with 40 inch gobo arms. They're superb!

I am sure if you look hard enough on ebay, you'll find some good deals. Or buy em new from Filmtools. I think they're relatively cheap!
Go to your local photography studios. Usually they have a lot of gear not being used which they haven't even thought of selling. When they open up, they buy a lot of stuff for different kinds of shoots. As they settle into the business, they end up serving certain specific segments and a lot of stuff has just been lying in a backroom without ever having been used.

As nicely for any 'old' material they have lying in a store room which they dont need anymore and are willing to sell.