UFO and Aliens

Ya gotta admit, these aliens are crafty fekkers: they've been coming and going for a few hundred years - or more - and, like the most model hiker, never leave any tangible trace of their presence. Not only that, but they've chosen as their favourite stomping ground the US of A, so the rest of us humans can dismiss any sightings with a "yeah, that's 'Mericans for you". :D

I could quite easily accept that we share our universe with other intelligent life forms, and they may even have come to visit this planet in times past. There are a few unexplained leaps in human technological competence around five thousand years ago, and some oblique references to extra-ordinary if not extra-terrestrial beings written into our legends from that time too.

But I think it's far more likely that the overwhelming pollution of the north American continent in the last hundred years (with synthetic chemicals and unnatural levels of nuclear and electromagnetic radiation) has been triggering a set of relatively predictable, repeatable reactions in the human brain - an organ that we know to be very sensitive to such stimuli.

I'm no expert but a quick search revealed the longest running ufo investigation is from GEIPAN which is headed by the French Space Agency.
They're actually spotted all over the world, not just USA, I could list a bunch of other countries with sightings.

Our government currently is the one being active about this because we have the best radar systems and all our jet pilots see them on their radar all the time. I completely reject your notion that I am seeing things because of pollution lol. I have no history of ever seeing anything that wasn't there, I wasn't hallucinating πŸ˜„
But I think it's far more likely that the overwhelming pollution of the north American continent in the last hundred years (with synthetic chemicals and unnatural levels of nuclear and electromagnetic radiation) has been triggering a set of relatively predictable, repeatable reactions in the human brain - an organ that we know to be very sensitive to such stimuli.
yup. A good (and characteristically witty, lol) theory. Although it's possible they just like to screw around with, to troll as the kids say, for their own amusement, specifically, us. Stupid 'Mericans, lol. And i guess the Brits as well, stomping their crops with those crazy designs. Stupid Brits :).
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I used to be a skeptic until I saw the evidence, and, now, I'm a believer, not that UFO's necessarily come from outer space but that they are controlled by non-human intelligence.

Google, "UFO radar evidence" to see what I mean. And don't trust Wikipaedia - I saw an article on how a skeptic underground movement have put their inputs into the appropriate articles, which would reflect their bias. If you look up "1976 Iran UFO incident", you will see that a great deal of the evidence - namely radar detection from the ground station, as well as two fighters, a civilian airliner's electronics being jammed at the same time as the jet fighter that aimed its missiles at the UFO - are not in the Wiki article.
Sounds like we just need to hold on until 2027 when, as it's been reported, the aliens will finally announce themselves to the world.
Sounds like we just need to hold on until 2027 when, as it's been reported, the aliens will finally announce themselves to the world.
This is the guy that made the 2027 prediction, and he sounds like he is COMPLETELY FULL OF SHIT

Unfortunately there's a ton of liars and con artists trying to get their name in the news by using this issue.
This dude sets off my bullshit detector BIG TIME
There is been so much WHITE NOISE since that Congress testimony, and I haven't brought any of it here, only distilling the relevant stuff for you guys because things are happening slowly but they are happening.

The guy that testifed in front of congress, David Grusch, that had a bunch of third-hand knowledge, has now RECEIVED CLEARANCE to talk about his FIRST-HAND knowledge. So this guy (one of the few legitimate sources in the subject) has actually seen stuff first hand and now allowed to talk about what he saw. And it's coming soon.

I know it's not the 'spaceship on the whitehouse lawn' that will convince people it's real, but for an eye-witness like me that only knows for SURE anti-grav propulsion exists in our skies, and nothing else... i am very interested in what he has to say.

The same guy David Grusch was on Tuckers show this week, and it's great that tucker is talking about UAP stuff because republicans watch him and it's the republicans that are blocking disclosure and gutting the schumer bill for UAP disclosure. The democrats are already on board with disclosure, and we need TUCKERS audience specifically to call their republican cohorts and pressure them into joning the bipartisan effort

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Sooner or later, in a free and democratic society, the truth has to come out.
The rumor is that is the CIA that is behind the cover up... and that is one organization that is built around knowing how to keep a secret.
But yeah we do have this whistleblower David Grusch now... only time will tell if thats a good thing.

Bringing this into the light will mean that the russians and the chinese will take it a lot more seriously, and this tech has the acapacity to deliver a bomb anywhere on the planet, with accuracy, in 20 seconds... its such a game changer.

You can move stuff with so much force you dont even need a bomb, just throw some mass hard enough at the area.
Would you like to visit Indiana? We still have the KKK here. Why? Because everyone drank everyday until their IQ was 50. You can see an obese middle aged man in desert camo holding an m16 in a Taco Bell parking lot any day of the week here. Artistically, the community creates hundreds of crude wood carvings annually. Mostly just carvings of handguns and crucifixes. We also have a thriving local business community, including bars that play achy breaky heart on loop, and also 1 full blown tattoo parlor for every 100 people. Otherwise, it's just groups of drunk people, or drunk tattooed people, walking from one single story building to another, forever.
Hahahahahaa! That was funny..... I love stereotypes .
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"Former U.S. Army Counterintelligence Special Agent Luis Elizondo sits down with Ronny Chieng to discuss his career researching nonhuman intelligence and his new book, β€œImminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs.”

They talk about the reality of intelligent β€œalien” life based on observed incidents, and how the issue may become the great unifier in Congress"

It sounds beliveable to me - basically they don't know anymore than I do.
What a slick trailer, I love how they used the typical blackout marker on 'top secret' forms, as a sort of title screen revealing the narrators words.
Maybe less of that would've been more, like save it for the second half of the trailer, but really creative execution nonetheless.

Releasing on Plex october 23rd

Jon Stewart Popcorn GIF
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