archived-videos Trunk Fiction

Online at last!

It still needs a wee bit of colour correction (and as usual, a redub of dialogue), but I am very happy with my very first film on Super-8. Much different from video, for sure.

This was made primarily as a test of my beautiful, sexy Canon 814 AZ. Learned many things along the way, including the massive differences in colour saturation, working manual exposures on delicate film... and other things that will be on top of a checklist to look for the next time we use real film. :cool:

Some of the extreme closeups came out blurry... first and last time I ever mess with the diopter after the DP has set everything up perfectly. Sorry Flaviu.. my bad. :blush:

Why is it called "Trunk Fiction", you may ask? I just needed to use that patented Tarantino trunk-shot.

Anyways... enjoy. :cool:

Windows Version Here - 15 MB

QuickTime Version Here - 45 MB

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Hey Buddy, I just want to say thank you for all the fun we had filming Trunk Fiction.
And I look forward to start filming again with you here soon. I just hope you dont have me cut my hair again ( lol ) Man...... all that long hair I had in trunk Fiction is all gone. But thats cool, ( just kidding )
Hey there, Mikel, and welcome to IndieTalk :cool:

Don't go spilling the beans about our ITOOFC #3 entry, mister. That's still :secret:

Up for some redubbing Sunday? Excellent. :)

Did you remember to save all your hair-clippings, so you can sell them on E-Bay when you get famous? :lol:
Hope you'll someday forgive me about the focus issues... :(

Not your fault, Flaviu.

I was clueless about the personalisation of the eyepiece diopter... I must have re-adjusted it a dozen times after you were all set up. :blush:

You did a wonderful job; especially being our first time on real film... and for the awful hours I called the shoot-time for. (You've seen my takes... almost pure white exposure) :lol:

Don't be beating yourself over some experimental shots on a new format. You are an excellent DP. :cool:
So what's the next super 8 film Zen? After the success of the last one you've got a hearty eye's peeled audience awaiting further productions!

I was thinking the other day. I wonder if there's every been made a camera - in the dark distortion of history - that has been able to shoot Super 8 Vistascreen style - in other words, take the film stock through a very wide gate from side to side rather than from top to bottom... if there's never been one - TRADEMARK! it's my idea ;) mwahahahaa... but seriously, vistascreen super 8... hmmmm....
Hey Zen,

Nice short you've got there :D. I liked the beginning quite a bit. The homeless dude was awesome!

The dialogue towards the end was slightly stilted. I think this is mostly due to the editing though. I'm blanking out on the term at the moment, but you may want to incorporate edits that don't include cutting back and forth for lines of dialogue if that makes any sense. Egh, I need to go dig up that term.

EDIT: Ok, here we go! Split Edits, J-Cuts, and L-Cuts; all of which are very similar in nature. May be something to look into.
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J/Ls would be nice to do, yes, but due to the way I had it shot I can't do that. That extra "reaction" footage just isn't there.

It's a non-sync camera, as well... sound starting drifting wildly after 20 seconds, so it really wasn't feasible to do long complete scenes from one certain angle.

That was also rough on the actors, who basically had to break character every 10 to 15 seconds for a new angle setup.

I learned a lot from shooting this though... and many of the lessons I got from this were incorporated into how my ITOOFC #3 entry was shot.

I've started re-editing the parts with dialogue to make the cuts snappier. Almost everyone agrees the pauses are too long.

Here's a few more stills.

Here's my reaction when everyone suddenly asks when they're being paid...


...and here is Flaviu moving into his new apartment, after discovering there is no pay.

Thanks for the suggestions and input people. :)

I've eliminated 19 seconds of pauses, and replaced the file in the original post with the newer cut. (It's also half the size it was)

I still need to work on colour a bit (and get the two fellows to redub their lines).

I really appreciate the feedback I get from IndieTalk, as I muddle my way through the process. :cool:
WOW! The cuts really make it 200% better.
I didn't mention it before, but I love the use of mirroring when they go to the trunk.
The cuts really did a lot here- it looks amazing! Good job!

Zensteve said:
Here's a few more stills.

Here's my reaction when everyone suddenly asks when they're being paid...


Classic! :lol: That's normally the reaction my face is in when I get that question. Going to go DL the new cut now.
A great step into FILM

Although the performances suck, it was shot pretty well and the lighting looks good.

It could use som ADR though, otherwise, well done!
I'm not judging the filmmaker, I felt the film was well done. But constructive criticism should only be given where it's due, if you're offended by me saying that a performance sucked just be glad that I wasn't more eloquent in my opinion. If you don't want brutal honesty, then this is the wrong business to be in.

Anyway, Steve, I look forward to whatever you decide to create with those 6 extra reels!