archived-videos Trailer for Film about Your Porn Habit - "BEATING THE BUNNY"

We've completed a film about what it's like to have a secret obsession with porn. You know, how you always hide it from your loved ones...keep secret naughty things in rather obvious you get complacent enough that other people start finding the signs. The character in the film imagines a femme fatale which morphs into a giant, evil, pink bunny. Thus, his quest is to BEAT the bunny.

"Beating the Bunny" is a film that plays no apology to the destructive power of porn addiction. It's going to be released on DVD October 1. Check out the trailer and let me know what you think.
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Very well-made trailer. :cool:

I can't say I agree with the fundamental message of the film, but it looks like it has good actors, a solid story, some decent SFX, great sound, and a well laid out website to accompany it.

I think it will do very well. There's a big market for Christian material out there. :)
I didn't watch the trailer because 6mb is too long on dial up:(

I did read your this a satire? IMO, the way it reads is purely tongue-in-cheek. Is it a send-up of right wing fundementalism? Sorry if I've assumed too much.
YouAreAloneMOVIE said:
I don't know...I find the Christian right a lot more destructive than porn could ever be. But that's just my two cents.

Seems to me that you just want to start an argument instead of comment on the trailer.

Whether you consider yourself Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Atheist, Satanist, Secular, or anything in between, the fact is that porn can be addicting and can cause serious problems in a human's life. I think that's what the core of the trailer is.

It's a good looking trailer. I like the fact that you don't necessarily give away what side of the issue you are approaching it from. There is no clear message in the trailer, and I hope the film is the same way. I hope it looks at porn addiction not from the standpoint of Christian vs. Porn, but from Human vs. Porn. And I think it is slightly satirical, considering porn addiction is represented by a giant cgi bunny.

Poke, I'm sincerely not looking to start an argument (and won't get drawn into one)...I just found the entire thing offensive, and needed to speak my those in the CR always to about anything and everything. To me it's just another slightly-veiled attack against the First Amendment.

Bird, I don't think it's tongue-in-cheek. (Check out some other pages on their website if you doubt who's behind it.)

As for the trailer itself. It just didn't work for me on any level. And I'll leave my comments at that.
P.S. Hey Bird, looked up the Wreck Beach Film fest because I didn't know of it. Looks like a fun time! Wish you screened features!!!
I dunno, I read through the synopsis again and scanned what else was me the text was titillating to the point of parody....perhaps that was the intention or I'm just reading it wrong.

Captain (festival organizer) DOES, indeed screen features! Feel free to send him "You Are Alone'. It's too late for this year but I'm sure he would Love to have your feature for next years programming. The festival is getting bigger every year and Captain has many innovative plans in motion for showcasing the works of Indie filmmakers!
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Looks like the Donnie Darko of Porn. I really liked the trailer- had me laugh out loud. Really good stuff.
The bunny stuff is amazing. As is the porn pop-ups, LOL; and the snooping parents.
Great stuff. Keep us posted when it is available for sale.
Ahoys ..Bird has pretty much summed it all up ..send it in we can see if we can get in for next years festival..the only way a film can be sghown now is if one shows up an bumps a film not represented...Your on the east coast ,,it would be a nice trip ..
Happy sailing
Christian Right Wing

Hehe yeah I'm not too happy about the christian right wing, trying to push their agenda on me. A lot of the CR have not been too happy about this film. It's creating quite a lot of controversy in the church.

The CR is not based on the Bible but on Republican politics, which I personally am opposed to.

I admit Beating the Bunny does take porn from a Christian Biblical worldview, but it's not really preachy. I think anyone could probably watch the film without getting sick about the religion. In fact, I poke fun at the hypocrisy of the church in many ways! Wait until you find out what secrets the pastoral father has. This film is very personal for me, and since to me a relationship with God is very important, that's how I approach the theme. It's just like if you approached the film from the Gothic standpoint. It's a theme.

Thanks for all your replies so far! It's going to be available October 1.
Burnt Scroll said:
Hehe yeah I'm not too happy about the christian right wing, trying to push their agenda on me.
...because the "atheist left" never attempts to do that...

Anyway, well put together trailer. I would be interested to see the finished product.
filmscheduling said:
This trailer is hilarious on many levels! Courageous subject to tackle.
You TOTALLY need to sell tshirts, etc. through
Now excuse me while I...

Cool idea. What do you think about the Beating the Bunny logo on the front...and then the tagline. "Just say no to the giant, evil, pink thing" on the back with the website?
HomerS3 said:
...because the "atheist left" never attempts to do that...

One HUGE difference...

and for the record, I would consider myself agnostic left (atheism IS a relision)

We might push agenda, but we do not try to take away your rights.

(Well, ok...we do try to take away the right to things like toxic ocean dumping, clubbing baby seals, things like yeah...I guess you're right.)

(Would be funny though...I think those on the left should start demanding religious programming be taken off the air, no church with a 100 year radius of any residential area...we picket art shows because there is NO nudity...we boycott products that support family values...turn tha tables and show them how it feels for a change....there's a mocumentary in this!)

YouAreAloneMOVIE said:
One HUGE difference...

and for the record, I would consider myself agnostic left (atheism IS a relision)

We might push agenda, but we do not try to take away your rights.

Like the right to pray in schools? Post the ten commandments in? Say "under God"? Acknowledge the fact that evolution is far from scientific fact? Not to mention that ever annoying 2nd Amendment, right?

Yeah, you're right. The left has never tried to do any of that....

Anyway, this is not the place for a political debate... We can take this elsewhere if you wish to continue
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HomerS3 said:
Like the right to pray in schools? Post the ten commandments in? Say "under God"? Acknowledge the fact that evolution is far from scientific fact? Not to mention that ever annoying 2nd Amendment, right?

Yeah, you're right. The left has never tried to do any of that....

Anyway, this is not the place for a political debate... We can take this elsewhere if you wish to continue

No argument, just repeat after me: "separation of church and state"

And the left has no problem with the 2nd Amendment. Just with the people who interpret it wrongly.

And no, I do not wish to continue. I don't argue with people who think evolution is science fiction. I just see no point in it.

I'm close minded that way.