top-list top ten secret shame movies

Great topic, these are my alone in dark indulgences:

1. Anything with Jackie Chan, the outakes alone are worth it.

2. The Charlie Chan series

3. Anything from the Hammer Studios

4. Shaft

5. "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon", with John Wayne

6. Jesus Christ Superstar, and I sing my ASS off to every single song.

7. On Deadly Ground, Steven Sagal in what I can only describe as a delicious comedy.

8. Enter the Dragon

9. Staying Alive, the sequal to Saturday Night Fever

10. Dumb and Dumber, I'm ashamed and yet I can't stop laughing.
rrk1962 said:
10. Dumb and Dumber, I'm ashamed and yet I can't stop laughing.

Don't be ashamed to love great slapstick comedy!

As others have mentioned, I try not to be ashamed of any movies that I like, so I will try to give a list of movies that either a) cause friends to mock me, b) cause enemies to mock me, or c) cause mockingbirds to mock me.

10. Coyote Ugly -- Okay, honestly, I don't like this movie. It's really, really awful. BUT the actresses show great talent, and I have to stand up and applaud them for it.

9. Wrongfully Accused -- Leslie Neilsen is a funny man. This is one of his worst movies, but it holds a few big belly laughs for me. I try to watch it once every couple of years...just so my belly can laugh.

8. The Legend of Boggy Creek -- It's the '70s version of The Blair Witch Project. If you've seen my short "Magnamameous Bark and Gigante Chupycabras" you might have caught the small reference when Bob first arrives on seen.

7. The Rock -- The only Michael Bay movie I can stomach. Sean Connery is great when he chews scenery.

6. Beach Babes From Beyond -- Honestly, I've only seen this movie once. But it holds a sweet spot in my heart, because...well, let me tell the story. When I was in college, I opened an acount at a local video store. Stupidly I put my younger brother on the account. Well, one night after church, he and my mom decided that they'd like to see a movie. They stopped at the stopre and were surprised to hear of the late fee for Beach Babes From Beyond. When my mom confronted me, I denied, denied, denied - I still do to this day. I can't remember the movie, but I remember the circumstances surrounding it. By the way, if you happen to know my mother, I better never find out that you told her this story...I will continue to deny.

5. Ernest Saves Christmas -- To me it's a classic Christmas movie, but sometimes people look at me funny when I mention it.

4. Zoolander -- I know it's dumb. But the guy is really, really, really ridiculously good looking.

3. The Tigger Movie -- I love movies that make me feel young. All the Pixar movies do that, but everyone's cool with me liking Pixar. But when I mention this tiggeriffic film, some folks throw honey at me (which is actually a commendable accomplishment).

2. Muppets From Space -- I'm sorry, but I am a Gonzo fan. How could I not like a movie that explains just what the heck he is.

1. Urban Legends -- Goat will never let me live down the fact that I called this movie the best slasher flick I'd ever seen. But in my defense, there was a good looking girl grabbing onto me throughout the film. I've never had that happen in another slasher flick (or any other genre for that matter), so it remains the best sl;asher flick I have ever seen.

Poke said:
w great talent, and I have to stand up and applaud them for it.

9. Wrongfully Accused -- Leslie Neilsen is a funny man. This is one of his worst movies, but it holds a few big belly laughs for me. I try to watch it once every couple of years...just so my belly can laugh.

Hahaha! Oh Poke with the funny.

My #1 Guilty Pleasure is "Sudden Death" (Van Damme).
Chuck Norris comes in second.
Anything with Richard Dean Anderson.
Shakespeare In Love (I like it cause it's Shakespeare)
Star Trek 2: the Wrath of Khan... it's a fantastic movie, but I cry everytime Spock dies, leading it to be something of an embarassment when socializing with non-Trekkies. I can't even talk about it without... oh... ok. I'm okay.

Moving on.

-Denis Logan-
(AKA Spatula)
poke i know your mother and i dont know if i will be able to keep that secret from her, you know what im going to call her tomorrow, :secret: however i can be persuaded if you have any hush hush funds, you have until 3 pm tomrrow, tick tock tick tock. :tongue:
All of mine are Disney movies. I've always had an affinity for Disney, especially the movies. But no I wouldnt say which one is #1, that would be REALLY embarassing.
No particular order.
Rambo(first blood to #3)
Natural Born Killers) Oliver Stone just likes to piss people off I love that.
Hudson Hawk
Super Mario Brothers
Saturday Night Fever
Gladiator not Crowe but Cuba Gooding Jr and some white guy. Boxing movie.
Driving Mrs. Daisy
Sixteen Candles
And for my last one on this list. Oh god, its another Oliver Stone Movie can you guess everyone and there mother hated it. You Guessed right!
I actually liked Alexander. I guess I just got it, or I just like oliver stone films and will back them up even if they are good but to loooooonnnnngggggg.
Zardoz (weird '70's scifi film w/ Sean Connery)
Triple X (thought it was super tongue in cheek)
It's my party (weepy cryfest that no "guy" would like)
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
Only one i can think of right now is The Fly.... I just love the way he twiches and vomits all over his food to decompose it before he eats it. Need I say more.
John@Bophe said:
Wait ... Spock DIES!?!?!?!? Oh man, way to ruin the ending...thanks Denis.

But you KNOW he's in Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock! Did you think he gets kidnapped? No. He simply dies and is jettisoned onto the Genesis planet where he meets Phil Collins and is given the gift of everlasting logic.
I hate to admitt this but

1 Red Dawn
2 Quicksilver
3 Walk in the Clouds
4 Ledgends of the Fall
5 The Cell ( JLo in that suit god dam!)
6 Speed
7 Point Break( its the surf thing)
8 Top Gun
9 Far and Away
10 Young Guns ( the first One

I don't own them but when they come on TV I do look at them!
i know this isnt a movie, its atv show and i only bring it because i need help, comes on every friday morning on tbs, and i watch atleast an hour of it everytime, this is so hard, ok just breathe, just breathe, here it is... SAVED BY THE BELL, AAAAAAUGH. cant believe i just admitted that. i dont know what it is. i watch an hour of that and never laugh, often finding my self wanting to jump through the tv and punch everyone of them, especially, screech, i wish he would die, but im drawn in like a deer in headlights, and the girls arent even cute, dont judge, just help.
texasvenom said:
just breathe, here it is... SAVED BY THE BELL, AAAAAAUGH.

If confession is good for the soul, I'm going to clear up some dark spots on mine. I watched "Showgirls" JUST to see Jesse nekkid. Yeah, I'm not the only one but I'm still embarrased. And it's just too bad to even be good. Sort of like "Striptease" with Demi Moore, can nakedness be any less sexy?