If you want to promote via torrent, you put the first 5-10 minutes of your feature or an extended trailer, if they like what they see, and want to see the rest, they will have to pay for it.
TJones05, no advantage? What about the fact you don't have to deal with rude people like you do at the theater, you have control over the audio at all times, you can use the bathroom and not miss anything (pause the movie), don't have to deal with little kids. Lets not forget when watching at it home you can watch a movie in any type of light since you aren't watching it on a projector (unless you have a projector at home and that's how you watch them.)
These are incredibly subjective, one sided arguments - which are about about home video watching and not at all about piracy or what makes piracy a benefit....
Most times I go to the theater, it is an amazing and great experience. I think pausing the movie to take a wizz is ruining the movie experience. How into the movie can you be if you can have all the distractions of turning on lights seeing other things, stopping to talk a phone call, or pause to do something else? That has destroyed the entire movie watching EXPERIENCE, at least to what that means to me. I can only speak for myself. To each his own...
You can rant and rave on this board or any other all you want. You're fighting a majority. You're not going to win. Piracy exists and you can't do a damn thing about it.
Oh, and my investors know about the piracy deal, and they don't blame me one bit. After all, I'm not giving it away, it's being taken. (I think)
People have become tired of and pissed at the huge profits big company's have made over the years from their product. They have waken up to the method of free enterprise, and since the general public outnumbers the artists, well...
two points here:
Point the firstly, Big numbers stated as fact with no source material and hatred at big corporations don't give SB's mom her pension money (an example with as much fact finding employed as the other numbers thrown out) back that she lent him in good faith... and SB, having not broken even or better yet, made a profit, can't make his next film as investors for future projects look at little things like ROI and P&L when considering an investment. Unfortunately, the criminal world doesn't see the harm they're doing.
Let's use those same big numbers to work this out. If the 10% of 600,000,000 viewers @ $10/ DVD were to pay, then Big company X would see a revenue of $600,000,000 --- and SB's pressing of 1000 DVDs with that same return sits in boxes and cost him 50% of his budget to make and market. Your arguments of the numbers support that it's OK is extremely short sighted as the fallout kills off the "democratization of cinema" that all of here are supposed to support as the democracy of that mode of cinema... to paraphrase "Tod the Destroyer" - "Shoot yourself in the [artistic] head." You're killing the possiblilty that your art can ever be something you make a living doing as you'll never get past the hobbyist money-losing point that we all have to start out in hoping someday to be able to make a profit so we can continue doing this as a career. If you choose to copy left or open source your works, do so... but do it with your works, not mine or SB's or Sony's as we've all got the same right as you to choose how our works are shown. Unless you want to shell out for the losses, then by all means, steal my stuff, I'll send you a bill and my lawyer!
B) I've gone all frothy and forgotten my second point, just assume it was well argued and poignant please.[/QUOTE]
Well said, second point! Truly thought provoking and inspiring-you may have just solved world peace! Well done Knightly, well done. Oh yea, and I'm down with the you giving the 10 grand loan for my next project-that was awfully swell of you!
Okay, just some adding some levity to the thread hereIt is a pretty sensitive subject and there passion on both sides of the argument.
And I mean no disrespect to Knightly-I hope you take it as it was meant, just some levity to a potboiler situation it seems-I hear your point loud and clear!
Big numbers stated as fact with no source material and hatred at big corporations don't give SB's mom her pension money (an example with as much fact finding employed as the other numbers thrown out) back that she lent him in good faith...
and SB, having not broken even or better yet, made a profit, can't make his next film as investors for future projects look at little things like ROI and P&L when considering an investment. Unfortunately, the criminal world doesn't see the harm they're doing.
Let's use those same big numbers to work this out. If the 10% of 600,000,000 viewers @ $10/ DVD were to pay, then Big company X would see a revenue of $600,000,000 --- and SB's pressing of 1000 DVDs with that same return sits in boxes and cost him 50% of his budget to make and market.
Piracy can be curbed and it can be stopped,.first and foremost by the general public. Once the understanding that it's no different than stealing from someone else. Just because it's on a computer instead of picking a lock doesn't change anything about the FACT that it's illegal and wrong.
This is what is hard to comprehend. You don't feel it's okay to walk into someone else's house and steal their DVD's, but it is okay to go to a website, download someone else's movie illegally... How do you live with yourselves morally and ethically? Because it's hard to stop, that makes it okay? Because the copyrights are owned by a corporation that has profit, this makes it okay to steal from them?
But know this; piracy is something that exists and will not stop because people don't care anymore.
You think kicking and screaming about it is going to stop it?