Sonnyboo I have to ask, since I'm guessing you're in your late 30s early 40s, have you ever used a video tape to record a show or a movie on tv or even a dvr? Because those are types of piracy.
VCR and DVR recordings of copyrighted materials are covered by fair use laws. The only time that using a VCR to record a show or movie is illegal is when you sell it or give it to someone else. It was "priacy" when you connected two VCR's together and tried to dub a copy. Then they invented MACROVISION protection and there was the whole "light-dark-light-dark" of the video image, which is still used in encoding the DVD's to prevent VHS copies from those, even though no one is making VCR's anymore.
Plus, if a movie is being broadcast on TV or cable or satellite, the copyright holders got PAID for it. Not even close to the same thing as Internet Piracy. Usually, by the time a film was broadcast on TV or cable, it had long since had it's release in theaters, then home video, and had generated multiple revenue streams. The copyright holders had made a profit before putting it into the venue of television where it could be more freely copied and recorded.
With Internet Piracy, as was the case last year with X-MEN ORIGINS WOLVERINE, the copy was online almost 2 months before the theatrical release. It was given away freely before any revenue was even possible to be made.
The act of Internet Piracy is destroying the business model, and ironically, the potential careers of many of the people on this forum. There are less ways to make money with film today because of the amount of money being lost. The independent filmmaker is taking the brunt of the losses, while the studio and corporate side can take a hit from their huge sums of money, that means they are buying less product and creating less opportunities.
I guess with age comes the wisdom of knowing right from wrong and not stupidly wanting to partake in the loss of money for the industry I work in for a living.
Yes, I used to download music and movies... until my own movie was on the torrent sites. The loss of tens of thousands of dollars to my investors changed my opinion on this. I will never download illegally. Sure, it was great to see movies and get music for free. But you're taking away money from the people you are stealing from. It is theft. You are getting a product without paying for it. If you download movies and music, you are contributing to the loss of money for the artists. As filmmakers, this is reprehensible and it's disintegrating our own future.