I'm at a bit of a personal crossroads, and the ongoing debate with myself has become rather protracted. Now, I'm not so much of a willy-nilly that I'd make such a major decision based solely on the recommendations of people who only know me online. However, maybe somebody on here might point something out that I hadn't considered, yet.
The #1 Goal is to make the next feature. But I'm not going to do the self-funded, ultra-low-budget thing again. I need a "real" budget ("real" enough to hire a competent (albeit small) crew, most importantly, a sound expert and a DP). I realize that achieving this goal may very well take years, though I'm not sure what the shortest path to that end is.
At some point, I'll be moving to LA. The question is this -- make feature film first, or move to LA first?
On one hand, in Richmond I'm a relatively big fish, in a little pond. In LA, I'd be a tiny fish, in a huge pond. Might I have an easier time finding a financier, if I'm not competing with the entire population of the greater metropolitan Los Angeles area?
On the other hand, I've also considered the possibility that perhaps one great strategy to making the goal of the feature happen would be in aligning myself with one or two other people who would be just as interested as I am in making the feature happen.
Specifically, what if, prior to even searching for financing, I can find a talented DP who is willing to take on co-producer status, and make all of the same sacrifices and commitments of time that I am, without any promise of big paycheck? What if I were able to do the same thing with a talented sound recordist? I think a small team of co-producers, made up of myself, a DP and a sound recordist, would have a much easier time finding financing, than just me.
In that respect, if aligning myself with other talented and committed filmmakers is what is needed to make the end-goal happen, then I think it's a pretty obvious choice to move to LA, ASAP.
Anything I haven't considered? Your thoughts?
Thanks, and cheers!
The #1 Goal is to make the next feature. But I'm not going to do the self-funded, ultra-low-budget thing again. I need a "real" budget ("real" enough to hire a competent (albeit small) crew, most importantly, a sound expert and a DP). I realize that achieving this goal may very well take years, though I'm not sure what the shortest path to that end is.
At some point, I'll be moving to LA. The question is this -- make feature film first, or move to LA first?
On one hand, in Richmond I'm a relatively big fish, in a little pond. In LA, I'd be a tiny fish, in a huge pond. Might I have an easier time finding a financier, if I'm not competing with the entire population of the greater metropolitan Los Angeles area?
On the other hand, I've also considered the possibility that perhaps one great strategy to making the goal of the feature happen would be in aligning myself with one or two other people who would be just as interested as I am in making the feature happen.
Specifically, what if, prior to even searching for financing, I can find a talented DP who is willing to take on co-producer status, and make all of the same sacrifices and commitments of time that I am, without any promise of big paycheck? What if I were able to do the same thing with a talented sound recordist? I think a small team of co-producers, made up of myself, a DP and a sound recordist, would have a much easier time finding financing, than just me.
In that respect, if aligning myself with other talented and committed filmmakers is what is needed to make the end-goal happen, then I think it's a pretty obvious choice to move to LA, ASAP.
Anything I haven't considered? Your thoughts?
Thanks, and cheers!