Is this some form of reverse psychology? You guys are trying to get me to move there, aren't you! I'm so flattered.
In my experience, I would say being the big fish is the worst place to be. Where I live, I am the big fish, because the rest of the fish around here only aspire to watch the next episode of "cake boss". Some tiny fish there. The little fish will keep you small. If you want to be a bigger fish, you have to tangle with bigger fishies.......(post gets weirder)
They used to tank cod from Alaska all the way to China. They’d keep them in vats in the ship. By the time the codfish reached China the flesh was mush and tasteless. So this guy came up with this idea that if you put these cods in these big vats, put some catfish in with them. And the catfish would keep the cod agile. And there are those people who are catfish in life. And they keep you on your toes, they keep you guessin’ they keep you thinkin’ they keep you fresh. And I thank god for the catfish, because we would be dull and boring if we didn’t have somebody nipping at our fin.
Like the movie Catfish...kinda.
EDIT: Not really, but I just wanted an excuse to post the quote. Kind of similar though.
I could take it point by point:
“Its high cost of living demands a well-paying job, while filmmaking requires flexibility, but the two rarely go together.”
Yet most people in LA do not have well-paying jobs, choosing to
find transient jobs that allow flexibility.
“Even if you’re well-off, the congestion and state of atrophy in LA is sure to zap your creative energy.”
Then work harder to keep your energy up.
But why bother? This guy is clearly unhappy. Okay, one more I just
couldn’t resist:
“People like me, trying to make a movie for virtually nothing are viewed as pariahs, beggars and wannabes.”
Because too many people like him are beggars and wannabes. There
are dozens of no-budget movie being shot in Los Angeles every
week. Some can do it without being beggars and wannabes. Most
cannot. That is not the fault with the area, but the fault of the
This guy has pointed out each and every problem that needs to be
overcome by a tenacious, dedicated filmmaker. And I agree with him
totally. For every one of you thinking of moving here to make
movies - STAY HOME!
Making a film is incredibly difficult, so why compound it by moving to an inhospitable city with laws and a culture aimed at thwarting you?
I didn't take it as confrontational. I respect his opinion and experiences.
What struck me about this blog and the posts here were that so many
felt the need to put down and actually bash Los Angeles. I don't understand
that. I guess I just come from a different place. Anyone who wants to make
a movie in the town or city where they live get full support from me. I would
never even think of bashing or putting down an entire city, town or region.
Steven Soderbergh Ends Movie Career to Focus on Painting
There's an opening in Hollywood, Funkster, but you gotta move quick!