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This IS not product, but can give you insight , is it deserving to be a film?

Do you think Hollywood welcomes? OR THEY Will Think it is not good enough and doesn't deserve.

------- GG

George aka GG is an ordinary British man who works as an accountant in an international firm in India and UK. He travels with his family between two countries. GG has a white freckly daughter who is smart enough to remember the story and tell us later. She helps her parents with her unbelievable skills.
While job of GG is not easy to do, he devotes himself to it without problem. His every day is work, work, and work. Of course, it doesn’t hurt his family; they know he does it for goodness of all of them.
Benjamin is a black young ambitious tailor who works in his office in central Delhi. He has plans for his future. Success in job for him means making fashionable new cloths that people dare to pay a lot to buy.
But how Benjamin gets to know GG? One day Benjamin was working in his office and was tired that incidentally got to see a shrunk man on top of his working table. It was a moment to fear. How did he accept the reality? He didn’t, at beginning, he was totally lost. He just fainted for seeing him and after it he was escaping from the shrunk GG. Whether GG was hidden in a coat or he found a way to settle there, Benjamin had to believe he now relates to a story nobody will believe. Maybe it was easier to believe it is a dream than believing not, but why didn’t it get to an end?
Benjamin soon understands that GG was one of his customers who recently gave him a fabric to sew. But Benjamin doesn’t have a good memory, unlike GG’s daughter, Angelica, who is very good memory.
Angelica finds that her mom is very upset and she should do something. Father didn’t come back. Her family calls police, but police did not do anything after about two weeks. She knows her father is not without enemies. The evil people who are in battle with a good accountant are nothing unusual in corrupted old timer India. Mr Shrimp and his dirty subordinate fellows do whatever to keep their wrong jobs secret to others. After two weeks police looked everywhere and inspected every suspect. She knew those evil men did it, but didn’t know how they persuaded police that they didn’t kidnap him, nor know where he is. Maybe it was true, and she was looking in a wrong place. She told herself “Daddy is probably not kidnapped, she is probably lost”. But was it possible? She finds no response; she calls a friend of dad and wants him to want the police search for him again. She knows that there are some people who hate daddy, because he does his job righteously. The father’s friend soon understands that her daddy is shrunk, but can’t tell her. He says something happened that now your father is lost. After requesting more, he tells your daddy is shrunk and can be everywhere.
Angelica likes her father a lot. She does know the police is incapable and can’t do anything. So, she and another teen friend Arjun go to where she thinks daddy went that day. That’s the place she thinks they will find her father. She wants him to go along with him before anyone understands it. They get to there, the office of Benjamin Tailor, but he doesn’t trust them and doesn’t tell the reality. His emphases on not allowing them to look for their lost watch makes them think the father is surely in there and he knows it.
They wait for him to leave office, but he doesn’t until mid-night, when there is really dark and they fear in loneliness.
He comes and then opens the door, her father didn’t like them to see him in that condition, because didn’t know what happens when she sees him so, but seeing very dark night becomes a reason they accepted it.
The next day morning, they begin to think what to do. While none of them except Arjun are India’s native, Benjamin says that he has a good friend who is well aware of tradition of India; he may know how they should act.
They call him, and he has to come from another city. But since it is emergency, he promises to arrive soon. In his way to that city, he encounters some robbers, but it passes luckily.
Meanwhile, they ate some mango and the remaining of it with some half and some unused exist. One mouse is there and will escape. Benjamin turns on a light and gets a glass of water and while walking talks about last week’s attempt to buy an American cigarettes and that could not buy him happiness, because there were total 20 mice in the street he counted them. Or maybe 19 or 18. He says that the point is that nobody can count the mice in the city, even if one has a good math skill. “Not me, not you, that’s shit”: he says.
Then Angelica after a while says she has to go to toilet and then goes quickly. Suddenly, the weather changes dramatically and it will be rainy after wind and being cloudy when she is not there. And they get ready for new weather.
One knocks the door, GG hides, and Benjamin goes to doorstep and sees from hole that it is his friend who is wet with three chickens with hen (the mother) and a little duck there. Then, Benjamin says he knows that he is a pro-animals-right that follows the mother for the chickens kilometers, and hardly he won’t find it. Can you tell my little friends … who is this? Who? Me? No… no, this duck? She was alone, so…. Does it matter to you? Benjamin answers Not really, of course, your animal friends have no place inside, they should pass the night out.
Benjamin says that we have a special case here, and that I didn’t want to say suddenly, but we have a friend here, of course now he is shrunk. We expect you to help him come back to his own size.
He says he doesn’t get surprised, because when you call him, it should be a special case. But they called the wrong person, because he knows little about it. For finding someone who can really help, they should go to the south, or they have to own lots of money to make one of them come here. Of course, in both cases, that happens hardly, they fear to continue their works after Great Britain’s govt in India forbad their working.
He says there is another way, too, that could be better. We wait for a few weeks until one of them are seen in the city; they usually come for visiting the old temple.
They accept and he says deliver it to him and he will take care of that. It is not true to kill their trusts.
He then changes cloths of himself & goes.
Then camera comes down & shows one underground room in whose water dropping. In there, there are a lot of documents, stuffs, bed & it is evident it is empty now temporary. *One cigarette is still lit.
The Benjamin’s friend left and they are without him in the room. But suddenly, one rings/knocks. Benjamin goes to see from door’s hole, and sees it is his friend comes back. It is him and maybe forgot something. But when Benjamin’s friend opens the door, it is a Chinese baby, and Benjamin what is this? He says doesn’t know, he did nothing wrong, just read. It is written “We have to, Mommy and Daddy”. While they are thinking what to do for this new problem, one man is shown who has a rope in his hand and they close a man around fire and they beat him to confess if that lost money is all others understood or there are more things leaked; and if he knows place of those documents or not. Two boys are shown later who secretly see the scene and regret.
Then Britain’s princess behind a horse in a cart comes to the scene. Tells something shortly and then goes. *One receives the message and sends to the appropriate person ie Mr Shrimp.
After two weeks, the news comes that the friend of Benjamin who wanted to help is killed. Now, they have to go to the rural region in southern India, it is a hard travel, they give the Chinese child to police and travel through a long way to there and find out that they don’t accept to see non-Indian people. They had a female translator who was their tour-leader, and she accepts to pay for it some money to them and get the secret solution. She brings the answer, and says they said they can provide them with it if they pay more money. They get happy, but the one decides to escape, they understand and catch him and he gives them the drug (tears of female crocodile). He says can no longer live there, because those who did it to him will come to look for the one who gave them drug. He goes.
Then the battle between those enemies with GG and friends starts.
It is season of rain. Some from Britain come and GG will be chosen as the responsible for finding the corruption clues. Indian Police arrests the subordinate follows who were Indian. The British Police arrests Mr Shrimp. The news about partnership of a princess gets cracked down, but that will remain as a dirty point for royal family. 60 years pass and Angelica tells the story to her grandchildren in India.

------- For link to more, pm me,

I had other ideas, too.. I changed name of Rafael to Lautaro. If you want link to them, pm me..

There might be a good story here but it needs to be rewritten so it's easier to understand & more appealing to Hollywood. Is this like a Disney story with magical things going on?
Do you have a well written synopsis? I like to start there, reading something this long is like ordering your meal without seeing the menu, I need the little descriptions to see if I will like it. :)

It's always good to have a synopsis in your pocket.
No, but I copy 1st page of screenplay. This is a good film in my idea, if I want to explain, it is a history film NEEDS good cinematography. It is a historical FANTASY which is about helping the father by a group of people: Black young man, the daughter, some Indians, and etc.


The street is quiet. An OLD WOMAN, 60, gaze at river and
winds moves her hairs and river is waving.

Two kids, one YOUNGER GIRL and a TEEN BOY surround her.

A long time passed.

TEEN BOY discontinues eating and throws his ice cream

My father was an accountant,
working for a tea company in
Britain. His head was always so
full of numbers. Those times it was
started that people work hard to be
able to make a dream a reality for
Britain. Nobody had time for anyone
else. I can say it was holy.
Everyone was working hardly.


Simple and clean. A set of stairs dominates the entry. Teen
Girl #1 and #2 embrace.

Upstairs. Nobody’s there.

Teen Girl #2 leads Teen Girl #1 up the stairs.


Teen Girl #1 and #2 arrive, Teen Girl #1 sees YOUNG BOY, 3,
playing with a toy.

You said nobody was here.

I meant nobody old.

the glass is up the heater [the YOUNG BOY did put)


Now it is time for the glass to break

............It is a historical FANTASY................

The way you work makes sure it will stay a fantasy.

No offence, but you seem to expect fried chickens to fly into your mouth by merely opening it.
This doesn't happen. You need to get the chicken, prepare it, put on a plate and use your hands to feed yourself.
What is the point of your posts please? Are you looking for a writer to work with? Are you looking for critique? Are you looking for investors? What? Just dropping lines from a screenplay does nothing.
Writing a story is like going on discovery.
Columbus did not say: "Can someone tell it will be worth it to sail west?"
He went.

Tarantino did not go online and ask: do you think this script is worth writing?
No, he wrote.

An adventurous cook doesn't ask: "should I try this new recipe?"
He (or she) just makes it and tastes it.
The proof is in the eating of the pudding.

None of us can say whether or not it is worth to write that script.
The only way to find out is to write it.

If you are not willing to invest your time into writing, why should anyone else invest in you?

If you are in it for some fast money, you picked the wrong business.
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Do you think Hollywood welcomes?

Hollywood welcomes noone.

I want to know if it is something good in ideas of hollywood so it will be having value to continue screen writing...

I don't think it's a good idea, but that doesn't mean you should give up screenwriting. It means you should work hard to IMPROVE. Talent doesn't exist, there is only skill

This particular idea seems aimless and the dialogue definitely needs work.

You said nobody was here.

I meant nobody old.

...What? ...Who talks like that? When was it established that this is something that matters?
Word! @WalterB

Insecurities can hold you back, and perhaps they mean you are not 100% behind your own idea, otherwise, you would go for it. And you know what, even the insecure go for it at times, what it takes is passion and a will. If you have the will, you have the way.
Hollywood welcomes noone.

I don't think it's a good idea, but that doesn't mean you should give up screenwriting. It means you should work hard to IMPROVE. Talent doesn't exist, there is only skill

This particular idea seems aimless and the dialogue definitely needs work.

You said nobody was here.

I meant nobody old.

...What? ...Who talks like that? When was it established that this is something that matters?

I think I need to stop writing, because I did my best... I can't improve, I am just this.. It needs resources which I should have and don't have.

I am not about talent, so, give up is my decision..

Writing doesn't require resources.

Do you think Michael Jordan was just born magically good at basketball? There is no such thing as talent. To say people just are or aren't good at things, and can't improve is a slap in the face to anyone who has ever achieved anything.

If you want to write, keep writing. Every writer you admire started out in the same position as you.