The Unofficial Song of the Day Thread

Armand van Helden - The Tear Drop

Was listening to a subscribed music-themed podcast, when this blast from the past started playing. It's a song I'd totally forgotten even existed - it brought back some memories, alright. :cool:

Music video unavoidable with this one. It's one of those image-defining vids of an era. It's how a generation thought of Hollywood.

That's pretty great. I was about ten years old then. Star Wars was about two years old. Groovy song. =)
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I used to play this track whenever I needed a palate cleanser while I scored the music for true crime tv shows. It always cleared my mind and helped me to write the next piece. Plus it's just fun.

I love this band. When I was a kid I used to loathe live performances. I didn't like their imperfections, how they didn't sound like the studio recordings. Now, I love them. They're the real thing. This band makes me really wish I was a musician. Screw filmmaking. :P

Leonard Cohen - Famous Blue Raincoat

It's a good bit o' melancholy, and very wintry. We're a few months removed from "the end of December," but it feels right. The rawness of the content is quite inspiring. Listening to Leonard Cohen always seems to make words flow from my fingers more quickly and insistently.

Always a beautiful song. And it's always amazing to see it performed so early in his career. For a musician like myself, this performance is very humbling - it shows you don't need much more than a guitar and a harmonica.