Well for anyone interested...
I've just finished shooting 'The Samurai'.
This is the first thing that I've ever directed using cast and crew other than my friends, so it was a pretty nervy experience. All in all it went pretty well. Everything was friendly and easy and nobody seemed to mind that I was a bit younger than them (which I was concerned about).
The Samurai costume turned into a bit of a debacle that saw me hiking it across London on the underground, along with the sword. Then when I was shooting this morning I realised that you could see the Samurai's hands and that he was clearly white, so I had to change the Radebe line (which was my favourite line in the piece
). We shot the Samurai scenes all in one three minute thread, which gives me plenty of room to play in editing and then recorded the voiceover (it was the same actor playing the police operator as playing the Samurai) when the actor playing Winston had arrived. That meant that he could go and we could focus on Winston with just me (acting as director and, to my discomfort, DP) and the sound recordist.
But both of them, I'd never met either before, were great and really helpful and easy to work with. We had some difficulty with my NTG-2 (see the other thread for further details) but I'm hoping that we have some clean sound from that and the inbuilt condenser on the H4N. I shot a couple of takes of everything and each section from different angles because the lack of contrast in locations means that I want the editing to generate the interest and that was all good. It was my first time using the DSLR Slate on iPad and I ballsed up the beginning by not reading the scenes out loud, but I realised my mistake and the sound recordist was making notes of tracks and scenes, so it shouldn't be fatal. Also the A/V sync on that app isn't terribly loud... but hopefully it's loud enough.
Anyhow we shot it all in about 3 and a half hours which doesn't sound very long (I had expected it to take more like 6 or 7 hours) but by the end of it I felt we could either continue flogging a dead camel and getting 5 or 6 takes of each shot rather than 2 or 3 or just break up a little early. I've certainly shot a lot more footage that I need and might well end up trimming the conversation a little bit.
Anyhow I'm not going to start editing today. I'm taking this afternoon off to watch football and relax and will start editing tomorrow night hopefully. I start a film course in London on Monday which will take up a lot of my time, but I'm hoping to edit this in the evenings over the next one or two weeks. I'll be learning a lot about Final Cut as I go so it should be educational as well as fun and hugely tedious.
Anyhow, all in all a really good experience and I hope I have something good to show for it. I'm sure I've made bags of rookie errors, but that's part of the learning curve. I'm just pleased that I've created something from conception to birth with a solid script, well planned pre-production, properly executed shoot and (hopefully) a decent stab at post production.
Sorry for rambling! That's been my day, I hope yours have all been good