The Power of Cinema

Good-googly-moogly, I didn't think this conversation could go any farther South. I'm sorry for starting this stupid thread and am disavowing myself of any part of the conversation that followed. WTF!
Thanks for that. :)

I absolutely did NOT intend to start a religious/political debate, but in retrospect I feel stupid for not assuming it would head down that path. I just wanted to point out how F-ing HORRIBLE the movie is. Reportedly, it had $5mil. behind it. Seriously?!

Normally, I like to pay a certain amount of respect to fellow filmmakers, no matter how poor I think their efforts are. Normally, I think it's mean-spirited to make fun of films that you might think are lesser than yours. For this guy, I make an exception. Because he's an asshole. Many of his cast and crew have reported that they were seriously misled about what the final film would be.

Plus, the movie is REALLY bad. I don't think any members of this forum could make something so horrible even if they were trying to.

Excluding the religious/political debate, literally almost 100% of what you said could also be attributed to The Room. Dare I say we may have another cult classic on our hands?

Probably not. Unless there's a, "You're tearing me apart, Mohammed!", in which case, I will watch it.

On a side note, anyone else think it's really strange that a "trailer" is 13 minutes long?
Good-googly-moogly, I didn't think this conversation could go any farther South. I'm sorry for starting this stupid thread and am disavowing myself of any part of the conversation that followed. WTF!

I am incapable of opening a thread like this and keeping quiet. It is a character flaw of the highest order. :lol:
I knew there would be a thread on this when I saw it on the news. I expected it to be one sided but I was quite proud when I saw IT discussing aspects beyond the horrible act itself.
A lot of people are acting like the filmmaker has to be take responsibility on this but I think there may be a double standard brewing here maybe. I mean Kevin Smith made Dogma, and no one seemed to think he had to take any responsibility, and no one cared, when Monty Python and the Holy Grail came out. But now some are saying that this filmmaker has to take responsibility, but how do you owe up to terrorists who have killed, well, innocent people who had nothing to do with it?

If I called someone a name, for example, then that person decides to go kill some innocent people, to get back at me, no one would say I had to take responsibility. Even if it's true that I should have to, there is a double standard here, I feel, that perhaps should be acknowledged.
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Looks like it was bad on purpose. Although that's the way The Room felt to me when I watched it too. It being worse seems to just get even more of a rise out of people from it because it seems almost that it is bad on purpose to make a mockery of the subject.