archived-videos The Perfect Sandwich

The Perfect Sandwich

What is the perfect sandwich?
Words alone cannot describe it.
You must see it, feel it, hear it, smell it, and yes... taste it.
Join GUY and GIRL as they meet the CHEF in their apartment and embark on a mystical journey to find...

Running Time: 5:00 Minutes (on the dot!)

Matthew Snowball as "GUY"
Amanda Duncan as "GIRL"
Written & Directed by: Denis Logan

For no budget or equipment (Snowball and his camera had to trek out here on a few buses) I'm pretty happy with the final result... sorry about the compression quality... I had to capture with a USB cable adaptor I bought for $9.99 at a surplus store.
So I guess we had a $10 budget...

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Don't lose your source-tape!

If you can make an EDL from what you have now, and recreate it in better quality later... you'll have a giant cheese sandwich to toss around to fests! :cool:
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Wow. WTF! I have no words to describe what I just saw.

I will try though...

The comedy factor is HIGH in my book. The editing and camera angles were also nicely done. My only complaint would be about the lighting and compression which made much of it too dark to see. However, I was able to get enough of it to really enjoy it! Solid laughs!
John@Bophe said:
My only complaint would be about the lighting and compression which made much of it too dark to see.

I share your complaints! Our lighting kit couldn't make an appearance, and I don't have a firewire (card or cable)... that would of helped the quality.. I had to capture in Windows Movie Maker and import into Premier, plus I was using a USB "Multi-cable" with a synopsis on the back reading things like "Computers enjoy USBMULTIADAPTOR. Very good and multi-purpose!"
The language barrier, and lack of funding were too much to conquor... it will have to wait until my piggy-bank has a sound when it shakes.

Thank you for the wonderful comments, everyone. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I am satisfied to the teeth with the reward of just DOING IT (proving I am capable of action). Thanks really go to Indietalk, the mods, the judges, and the people who submitted for making this a great chance to exercise our minds and skills and get the "learnedness" that we love to get.

Flippin funny, DUDE! I fell on the ground laughing and hurt myself!

Nice music and use of.

Caress a sleeping tiger!
Your girlfriend has a sexy voice!
That was hilarious, Logan. I assume it's even funnier if you watch iron chef shows - yes, I'm one of the few people on the planet who's never seen one.

The camera work was outstanding. Did you work out a shot plan ahead of time or was it done spontaneously?

I agree with Zen's comment: don't lose your source tape! With a little work on compression I'm sure you have a fine piece for festival submission!
Utterly hilarious... or is it Udderly? (Mooo)!

So damn funny... great job. I loved the dub overs and the iron chef references. I agree, too dark, but still excelent... and your g/f is hott. I especially loved the music, if you created it, extreme kudos.
I really liked this one. To funny! The dubbing was great and I got a Kung-Pow feeling from it when I first started hearing it. Not a bad thing at all by the way! :) I won't say anything about the lighting as it has been addressed. I like the ending with the
color hat.
Nice touch! But who was that at the end? Was it
Sorry I really couldn't tell. I think you should send this off to some film fests for sure!

Buttom line-Funny stuff!
Pure unadulterated silliness!!! This thing's right up my alley. I've been saying for the past 24 hours
"Don't forget to butter both sides!!!"

This movie has so many great catch-phrases.

You must have the highest water-bill on the block, btw... how long did that toilet flush for? :lol:
Zensteve said:
You must have the highest water-bill on the block, btw... how long did that toilet flush for? :lol:

HAHAHA! You're the second person to mention that... Amanda (GIRL) was telling me that today... I found the sound clip on the 'net and loved the length... just thought it would be appropriate to have the gurgling sound of a porcelian depositry overlaying some of the dialogue... to "spice it up" a bit... lol

EDIT: BTW- I'm still waiting for some critiques! Feel free to jab.. this was a learning experience and I won't be offened if you didn't like it! Voice yourselves! I want to know what jokes did and did not work, what edits seems out of place, etc... I for one am still a little dubious on the PiP shot, and the length of a couple others... please feel free to sling thy mud! It will be taken with gratitude!

SPAUL: I will be putting a website up for this, just for S&G (shits and giggles) and I'll post my stickmen storyboards... it was all hand-held, because Matt's tripod was in another city, but we're getting pretty good with the steady hand-held shots... Matt's a pro, lol..

Hail: Yes indeed,
the caped crusader
makes a cameo at the end.

Thanks everyone for the comments once again, and when submitting your vote for "The Perfect Sandwich" please feel free to dance wildly, and wave your arms in the air.

Also, I invite anyone to give the recipe a try... you won't be disappointed.
The secret ingredient is:
HAHA- yeah right! It's a secret!
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