archived-videos The Perfect Sandwich

The Perfect Sandwich

What is the perfect sandwich?
Words alone cannot describe it.
You must see it, feel it, hear it, smell it, and yes... taste it.
Join GUY and GIRL as they meet the CHEF in their apartment and embark on a mystical journey to find...

Running Time: 5:00 Minutes (on the dot!)

Matthew Snowball as "GUY"
Amanda Duncan as "GIRL"
Written & Directed by: Denis Logan

For no budget or equipment (Snowball and his camera had to trek out here on a few buses) I'm pretty happy with the final result... sorry about the compression quality... I had to capture with a USB cable adaptor I bought for $9.99 at a surplus store.
So I guess we had a $10 budget...

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That was fun indeed. I don't have much to add to what has already been said except the accents did seem to slip around a bit. I have the same problem though. All my accents always seem to eventually make their way to some bad imitation of a monty pythonesque french... think "I spit in your general direction."

My favorite line "Iron is too common, it will not do!"
wstepe01 said:
I think
Manganeese would have been a funnier metal.


Only a poopy-head would say something like that. Geez, "Bill", where do you get off? It's not like you wrote a special joke for this movie or anything!

Incidentally, Manganese was changed to Magnesium because a certain "actress" did not feel comfortable saying such an uncanny word... and we had to look it up on the internet to find out it was indeed, not a foriegn language.
Is wstepe01 the guy with glasses? :huh:

He was awesome.

His best part was...

Perfect you say? It will be subpar, at best.

Is that a... challenge?!

Take it is it is....

The look on his face is priceless :lol:
Nope- that's Madmanmatty... aka Matt Snowball... also a good chap.. Bill plays Macbeth in our feature.. unfortunately he couldn't make it out to the shoot, but that's ok... he'll be in the next one for sure! :)
Snowball is the master of deadpan.
Couldn't make it!?!
I recieved an MSN message from my GF saying that "the sandwich movie dennis made was funny".
"Hey," I said. "I wrote a special joke for that."

wstepe01 said:
Couldn't make it!?!
I recieved an MSN message from my GF saying that "the sandwich movie dennis made was funny".
"Hey," I said. "I wrote a special joke for that."

Well, your GF told me you couldn't make it! (Guess she wanted you all to herself) And I had some rum all saved for ye! :(

You actually wrote TWO special jokes for it, but the scene got cut due to time contriants whilst filming... AKA- the rum was opened.
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Madmanmatty said:
Personally I think more people should be asking why this movie cost $2,000 to make, or was that how much we spent on bread?

Easy - He agreed to keep a Liberal intern on staff, and make campaign contrabutions from time to time.

</canadian politics>

Poke said:
Man, you'd think such a funny film would bring only joy. Not political bickering.


T'was a mere jest, kind sir. I'm sorry if you took offence.

With all the other (Pope-related) news recently, I wasn't sure the sponsorship scandal would even reach the American media.

wstepe01 said:
T'was a mere jest, kind sir. I'm sorry if you took offence.

I took no offense. And to be honest, I have no idea what goes on in Canadian poilitics. I was simply trying to be funny. But as I am a failure in life, so have I failed at being funny in this thread. I shall now retire to the East and remain Galadriel.

I liked this film... Got the humor and silliness of it. I thought the actual sandwich making could be trimmed a bit. Other than that, I liked the editing.

The footage made it hard to even see the Chef's face... I watched it in a dark room and could barely see his eyes half the time but the humor seemed to make up for that.

The compression also made it a little hard to watch... I only mention it here because I think with better compression it would be a little more fun.

Good job.

FilmJumper said:
I thought the actual sandwich making could be trimmed a bit.

Do you mean shortened, or cut faster? As in... is there anything that should be cut out completely, or should I just make some things a little quicker?

I'm still working on the compression... I'll probably have to re-capture the footage and see if I can EDL it... if not, I'll spend a day and recut, rescore and redub it using some critiscm... so if anyone has any sugesstions, or offers to do it for me, please make a note, and I'll see what I can do!
I'm getting a little sick of it, though... hopefully I'll be able to find the courage to go over it again!

BTW Filmy- thank you for the critique! Glad you enjoyed it!