• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.


Hey guys, I've been attending the Indie Gathering International Film Festival for several years now. It is the most unique and fun fest experience I have. It's like summer camp for adult filmmakers. There is definitely an emphasis on the networking and social side. The next fest in Cleveland, Ohio will be the 29th annual festival. The call for entries opened up and added new animation categories and STUDENT DISCOUNTS for the first time ever.

Submit with the exclusive 25% off discount code - INDIETALK25

We are looking for shorts, music videos, screenplays, features, documentaries, animation, student films, microshorts, and we have new sponsors and prizes coming this year.

Hope to see some of your movies and scripts. Early Bird submission fees until December 15th.
Can you tell us a bit about the entry fees and prizes?
The prizes, sponsors, and guest lecturers are being finalized and will be announced later this year.

  • Earlybird Deadline
  • Standard: $20
  • Student: $17
  • Gold Members: $18
  • Regular Deadline
  • Standard: $30
  • Student: $26
  • Gold Members: $27
  • Late Deadline
  • Standard: $45
  • Student: $34
  • Gold Members: $40.50
  • Earlybird Deadline
  • Standard: $35
  • Student: $30
  • Gold Members: $31.50
  • Regular Deadline
  • Standard: $40
  • Student: $33
  • Gold Members: $36
  • Late Deadline
  • Standard: $60
  • Student: $42
  • Gold Members: $43.50

I've been there several times over the years and won at various levels. Best was when my feature Surviving Family won the audience favorite award, although my husband was our rep at that one because I was showing it on the west coast that week :)

I've always enjoyed the festival and met people there who I've kept in touch with for many years. Hoping to have something ready to submit this year.
The Early Bird Submission period ends December 22nd, so the lowest price is ending soon.

I won First Place: Crime Drama at Indie Gathering many years ago.
Two weeks before the festival I got a gig so couldn't attend. And
I had purchased airline tickets and a hotel room. I wanted to be

It's never too late! We're trying to elevate the festival without losing what makes it awesome.