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watch "The Hot Rod" Trailer\Preview

There is some talking and a lot of "looking at one another" and some stuff happens.. what more do you need to know.

OMG! You ARE an indie filmmaker!
Don't forget some shots of pretty leaves fluttering in the sunlight going on for filler seconds! :lol:
Wheat, I'm sorta in the same or similar boat or maybe just on the same river... having a tough time getting the Dawning Darkness short through post. Audio and sound work is not my strong suit.

I'd like to see Hot Rod when it's complete. 8)
I remember the accountability thread. Keep the pressure on. We're all waiting for it, Wheat!
Oh! Excellent call!
Lettuce drag out that chestnut for some good ol' fashioned negative reinforcement: http://www.indietalk.com/showthread.php?t=43574

:D What'r friends for, after all?

Thanks all
Just the kick in the @#$ I needed. (reply with appropriate internet memes and images)

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On a scale of 1 to 10 how pleased are you with the latest cut?

And how close is it to both A) where you confirmed "This is the the story I wanna shoot", and B) from the final screenplay before shooting?