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watch "The Hot Rod" Teaser "Dont Miss It"

yeah, playin with cars and cameras is fun!


dig that retrograde (hey I like that term, its sorta has dual meanings in this context!)
How do you describe that particular slo-mo effect? Pretty cool. :cool:

Id call it a "ramp time" effect. For this I used AE with Time Remapping on the footage, dropped some key frames and dragged them closer (increase speed) or further apart (decrees speed) to get the effect.

The particular look of the "stutter" vs something more smooth is a frame blending setting. You have two options in AE for frame interpolation when you do this fake slomo. One makes it smooth and creats a sort of morphing between the made up frames akin to the way twixtor works. The other method creates the made up frames only, no morphing, so you get this kinda stuttering thing.. which I think looks more retro then the smooth flowing look.. not better, just different..
somewhere in the collective American TV sub conscience there is a TV show or movie of the week that uses a similar shot with slow mo .... I just cant tease it out of my small bit of the collective..