You absolutely did. I disagreed, and put in my unsolicited 2 cents. It's a discussion; opposing viewpoints are what it's all about, and why we're here! I don't think there's anything wrong with a simple idea, doubly so for a short, triply so for a short comedy. I thought his actor was fine for the role, and the music WAS overblown, but intentionally so.
What I think you missed out on is what he was going for. I didn't read your scripts; I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you understand comedy. But there are many many different types of comedy, and your suggestions are basically saying "don't do this something else". It's sort of like if I handed you a piece of orchestral music and you said to me "that's a TERRIBLE country song".
Oh, and Skream, welcome to the board, I promise it's not always like this
Made for a very short competition makes sense. I don't know that you could have gotten it under 2 minutes, but you could have probably gotten a little closer. Everyone agrees that your photography is really good, so I understand why you don't want to see it on the cutting room floor, but don't be afraid to cut stuff that you like, in order to get what you're going for in the big picture. Leave 'em wanting more!