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watch The Dumpster - A Short Comedy

Crap. I'm in LA until the morning of the 11th. But I'll come out that Saturday. I'd love to meet you guys! I haven't been out to Boulder in over a year. I need to scout some locations out there too.
Hell I'll jump in on the fun...

Gary's first reply(all the way back on page 1) was imho positive for the most part and Skreamings response to it was a bit childish. Let's be honest and call it how it is...

Then Gary came out of left field with some dumb remarks about "kids", "true geniuses" and how to properlly do a comedy - when in reality a comedy, like any other form of entertainement/art, is completely different from one person to the other.

Di I like "The Dumpster"? Yes. I thought it was a simple, funny and somewhat believable idea.
Did I like 'Nazy Baby Mamas from Harlem"? I read the script until the girls made it to the sperm bank and I stopped... To ME, it wasn't funny and just felt like a bad Tyler Perry immitation. Oh and btw I absolutely hate Tyler Perry's "comedies". They are not funny at all...

Just my honest two cents. I'm not really picking sides. I could care less who "wins" this argument. I just thought the whole thing was way too funny to not be a part of.

Go on now!
I can see how my response might have seemed a bit childish. To be honest, I'm completely new to this site and was just looking to get some views not a critique, so when I got that response I was surprised. My second response was more based on figuring out who he was. Had you been witness to his rant on Facebook you might have understood me more. His rant there made this one look tame.
BTW, it's funny that you would bag on me for not being original in a MESSAGE BOARD POST, yet the script you wrote is, by your own admission, mechanical and formulaic.

You're a hypocrite...

Ok, I'm a hypocrite.

You know, Las Vegas, if you keep coming up with these original put downs you're gonna have enough material for your next short that bombs at the festivals.
Hell I'll jump in on the fun...

Gary's first reply(all the way back on page 1) was imho positive for the most part and Skreamings response to it was a bit childish. Let's be honest and call it how it is...

Then Gary came out of left field with some dumb remarks about "kids", "true geniuses" and how to properlly do a comedy - when in reality a comedy, like any other form of entertainement/art, is completely different from one person to the other.

Di I like "The Dumpster"? Yes. I thought it was a simple, funny and somewhat believable idea.
Did I like 'Nazy Baby Mamas from Harlem"? I read the script until the girls made it to the sperm bank and I stopped... To ME, it wasn't funny and just felt like a bad Tyler Perry immitation. Oh and btw I absolutely hate Tyler Perry's "comedies". They are not funny at all...

Just my honest two cents. I'm not really picking sides. I could care less who "wins" this argument. I just thought the whole thing was way too funny to not be a part of.

Go on now!

Let me help you sort this out, pal.

Start with Sheridan's "School for Scandal," which was written in George Washington's time. Study Wilde's "The Importance of Being Ernest." Listen to all tapes from the Golden Age of Radio with especial attention to Amos 'n' Andy. Then the Golden Age of Television -- I love Lucy, Love That Bob, etc.

This gets you to our era where your course in comedy writing ends.

I studied these works, Tyler Perry didn't so your suggestion that my play reads like a bad Tyler Perry play was stereotyping, not a fact-based observation. It involves black women, so it must be a Perry rip-off. That's your mindset in a nutshell, I fear.

But I digress ...

My point is, certain things happen in a well-wrought comedy you seem blissfully unaware of.

First, the dialog has to be funny throughout. It must be sprinkled with snappy come-backs, asides, witticisms, cleverness.

Second, the actors must have individual characters each funny, although some obliquely so.

Third, the premise must be funny, often, the funnier the better.

A comedy is short -- no more than 90 pages and within this context it must also do most of the things other forms of drama do -- character development, turning points, dramatic arc, three-act structure, climax, resolution, etc.

The comedy critic who doesn't grasp all these things is a layman -- that is, someone who doesn't quite know what he's talking about.

You read 20 pages of an 85 page or 24% screenplay and decided it wasn't funny.

One of the funniest comedies of all time is Dr. Strangelove, but 24% of this story takes you right about the point where the president and generals assemble in the War Room; that is, right where the humor starts kicking in.

Another thing you're unaware of is the rule that says you don't publicly critique a screenplay unless you read the whole thing. Go to any screenplay site on the net, and in order to publicly critique a play, you'll have to answer questions demonstrating you read the whole thing.

It's only fair and you'd expect the same thing.

These are the rules and these rules exist for good reason. You'll note I was painstakenly circumspect in my critique of "The Dumpster." I was specific and detailed. I even gave a lengthily analysis of how it could be fixed.

Did you read these comments of mine and if you did, why didn't you afford me the same courtesy?
Ok, I'm a hypocrite.

You know, Las Vegas, if you keep coming up with these original put downs you're gonna have enough material for your next short that bombs at the festivals.

:lol: You're ridiculous...

I'm not even trying to "put you down..." I'm simply stating my opinion on how foolish you sound. You take it however you want...

But if you're looking for a second rate, un-original put down, here you go: You seem like you have terrible self esteem issues. You seem very angry and unhappy with yourself. You seem as though you can only find happiness and satisfaction in your own work by trying to tear down the work others have done.

I feel sorry for you. I also feel sorry that you feel the need to argue with someone that you don't even know. I wish you were a happier person.

And if you think you've heard these things before, it's probably due to that fact that many others have already said them to you.

Now, if it makes you feel better to continue arguing, then go ahead. Post whatever you'd like to post, and I'll try to respond in kind. But nothing original, as obviously I have no thoughts of my own. I can only post things that have apparently been said numerous times on many message boards...
Start with Sheridan's "School for Scandal," which was written in George Washington's time.

Goodness. Now you're wanting people to go back to Washington's time for comedy lessons?? Why not go back to caveman times? I'm sure we can learn about how funny it is to see the cave drawings of a man slipping on a banana peel... :rolleyes:

These are the rules and these rules exist for good reason.

Can you give me a link to a source for these rules?
Even a cursory look deeper in to your script reveals that you don't even know the most basic elements of screenplay format. Definitely a red flag for anyone in Hollywood reading your script. Your sluglines are incorrectly formatted. You go pages and pages without a single like of action to describe what is going on. You have dialogue sections that go up to 18lines. These are all huge red flags of an amateur.

But I'm sure you have a great rejoinder for why this is so.
Gary, I'm not here to argue what you believe to be funny and what I believe to be funny. You have your ideals and of course, I have mine. I didnt think "nazy mamas" was funny. Not the first page and not until the point I decided to stop - and again that's my opinion.

You suggested we read "Divas" and I read the entire script - you need to correct your spanish, a lot of it is wrong and doesn't make sense. Your grammar is also incorrect in a couple of places, but it doesn't make the script unreadable. I actually liked the idea of "Divas" and if rewritten it could be a funny skit. Is it God's gift to comedic relief? Nope, but it has potential.

I am not here to go over the rules of "funnyness" with you. I absolutely do not care for what you consider to be funny. Again, what you believe to be funny, could be horrid material to me.

BTW, I did say you offered positive criticism in your first post. It was only after that you became "the all mighty comedy god". Tsk tsk shake my head...
Oh also, I don't care about the rules of screenplay writers. I'm not wasting my time waiting for the funny parts to show up in a script. If I'm 7 pages into your script and I haven't laughed, what's the point of continuing?