For the sake of discussion let's say you are flat busted. You are standing on the corner begging for change. That's how bad hings have gotten for you.
Now, let's take two scenarios:
1. A man with $100,00 pulls up and gives you $10,000 dollars.
2. A man with $10,000,000 pulls up and gives you $100,000.
Which man has done more for you? One gave you 10% of his total holdings and the other gave you 1% of his total holdings. But the 1% was worth 10x's the 10%. Does it matter what the total holdings were of the man.
Sure but I was responding to the point that foreign aid is a significant reason for US debt. And it isn't. In that context, it's aid as a % of GDP that matters, not the raw number of $ in terms of US interests.
Also disagree with this idea that we give money to other countries and then they crap on us. With the notable exception of Israel, when we give money it has strings, and those countries DO play ball with us. That's for sure. Money still talks.
About where some of our money REALLY goes? Medicare and other entitlements. And of course here: