I second this. Its exactly what the founding fathers said, " Do business with everyone. Sign treaties with none." Exactly the opposite has happened since WW2.
Exactly. America got too big for its britches too fast. Now its in over its head with half the world against it. I don't think were in danger of losing superpower status anytime soon, but we do have the odds against us in terms of influence and helping the rest of the world. World war II is just an extension of ww1. It was the first conflict where more then two countries were against more than two countries. It alienated as well as unified. This is why America has stepped in in a lot of world conflicts today. We are still running on the momentum of WW2, and we see it as our job as democratic leaders to keep the righteous right and the wrong out of control. But the problems rise when people start talking about ulterior motives and who exactly is the "righteous"? Now this is partly a distorted media but partly the ego of washington. Who are we to be saviors? One should save the self before aiding another. This is true for countries as well. We should mind our business until their business becomes OUR business. Then we can think about restructuring the "company".
America was founded on freedom, we fought our way through imperialism right into innovation and the industrial revolution. Why can't other countries follow suit? Why do we always need to step in? Its not appreciated years down teh line anyway. Hopefully America will learn its lesson after this whole Muslim revolution and economic crisis calms down a bit. Its time for some serious introspection.