Super Summer Contest!

Let there be filmage indeed... ;)

I'm thinking that the stories and scripts for Stages One and Two should be posted anonymously. So when people have finished them they can email them or message them to me and I'll post them. Then people can vote, critique, praise, abhor...etc safe in the knowledge that they don't know who the author is :D
I'm happy to take that hit for the team. But, yes, I do always know.

I hope people have got their thinking caps on (and I hope there are more people reading this and being interested in taking part) and feel free to email me your stories at any time between now and the deadline (they'll only be posted on the day after the deadline, regardless of when you send them). The email address to send them to is nick[@]

Also if you've made a movie and you've got lots of spare DVDs of it knocking around why not contribute a copy or two to our prize fund! I'll be trying to come up with some other good prizes soon but the more the merrier! :D
Well, my short story is done. Think I'll keep hold of it for a few days though, just in case something important dawns on me and it needs a little tweaking...
For these short stories that're to become short films, how short is short?
A two-three minute short?
A five to seven?

And are we nailing people for submitting incomplete SCENES rather than complete STORIES with situation+conflict+resolution?
Rules, rules, rules!

I say just go with it. Whatever feels right. If you write a 10,000 word story, that would maybe be a fifteen minute film, the screenwriter may well chop it down to half that!

Without giving too much away, if I were to make a film of my story, I'd expect it to be no longer than 3 minutes.

I suppose that does beg a question though, should there be a limit on the number of words. Nick mentioned 1000 in the first post, but mines longer than that. I don't think you could write a complete story in that number of words. Mine barely has a plot...
Rules, rules, rules!
I'm more of a "Pirate's Code is more of a suggestion of guidelines" sort of guy.

I understand A-Okay, 100%, loud and clear that not only is each screenplay of the same story gonna get buggered with, but even each of the final screenplays are gonna get buggered with by each director that gets ahold of 'em.


Is this still on????

Sure is.

I've been meaning to post a reminder that the short story deadline is in less than a week. It doesn't matter how long of short the stories are (if it's only 50 words it'll pose an interesting challenge to screenwriters!) but make sure you get your submissions in so that people can read, critique and decide what their favourite is!
Are the submissions supposed to be "anonymous"?

What if I really don't honestly care (in a positive way, not an apathetic way) if folks know that I submitted mine in... a less than standard story format, which might very well bugger the purpose of my approach?

They're plotted out along a structure which I COULD convert into just plane jane "Once upon a time there were three little bears who lived in a cottage deep in the forest... "
I'd rather not, but... it's your show.
I'll shuckNjive if you want. I don't care (in a positive way, of course). ;)
They're only anonymous until the voting/judging/critiquing period is over.

This is just to prevent people from voting for their favourite people, rather than the best story :)
[Expletive] people.

Allllllriiiight... I'll do it the ding-dang "Three little bears" way...

WANKERS ALL, I tell ya!
This is a good opportunity to have someone make my murder mystery in which the only evidence of a murder is on Google Earth.

HAHA. Score.


I vote for a stage 4 - I'd post produce audio for one of them if ya'all would let me.

But let this be a lesson to you all - good sound design for a film begins with the pre-production and never stops evolving until the final mix. So, think of good sound opportunities when you write your stories.
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This is a good opportunity to have someone make my murder mystery in which the only evidence of a murder is on Google Earth.

HAHA. Score.


I vote for a stage 4 - I'd post produce audio for one of them if ya'all would let me.

But let this be a lesson to you all - good sound design for a film begins with the pre-production and never stops evolving until the final mix. So, think of good sound opportunities when you write your stories.

You can always team up with one of the filmmakers on Stage 3...

As for your Google Earth idea (pure genius) it's got to be done. As soon as you bash it out into some sort of short story then it will, finally, make its way into the hands of a screenwriter!

Flicker Pictures said:
My thinking cap blew a fuse.


The work doesn't necessarily have to be original to this contest. If you want to submit something you wrote a year, a decade, a lifetime ago then that'd be fine!
Seven Simple Stories sent your way to nick[@]

Thanks, sir!

I've had a few submissions for the short stories/concepts but I'd like a lot more. If people don't have the time to write something new for the August 1st deadline then I'm sure you all have treatments or short stories that you've written and forgotten knocking about! Send 'em in! You never know, they might get turned into a beautiful short film.

I've pretty much decided that I'm going to try and participate in Stage Three as well. I was only planning on doing Stages One and Two but, after careful consideration, I think I'll try for Stage Three as well.

Anyhow, get excited people and get writing! 10 words, 100 words, 1000 words, 10000 words (ok, that's pushing it) just send in what you got. For submission address see that above quote :)