I see the rationale for cnn+
So much news is BS clickbait headlines and it puts sensationalism over substance.
I can see the rationale of people wanting a news source that didn't have to depend on a view count and could go back to quality journalism instead of clickbait.
However... There is just too much news everywhere all the time and all it does is make people feel bad. its all stupid anyway.
If I were a super genius and spent the next 30 years learning every detail about news and politics guess how many peoples minds i would change about issues ? Effectively ZERO. cause HUMANS DON'T CARE ABOUT INFORMATION. As a species, humans simple do not care for information, no amount of information is gonna change anyones political views. people believe what they want to believe and thats it.
So it is no surprise at all that cnn+ would fail.
As far as clickbait news and algorithm push bias, I agree, the newsfeed at large has become a mess, driven by statistically calculated emotional response curves. Basically this is one of the most irresponsible slippery slopes that humanity has ever gone down. The proliferation of a million news services drove headline writers into a competitive frenzy, the end of which was "The Algorithm". If you understand what it's doing, and the effect it's having, you can grasp how this is the beginning of the end. People saw that they could get a competitive edge in a fracturing market by having a computer triangulate in on what news got the most response. Combined with social media's ability to cater news feeds individually, this created a disastrous trend. I don't think there was any malice intended, just people trying to make a quick buck, and not really being smart enough to wield the power that they discovered.
What happened after the algorithm took over is that it discovered that people responded to news most enthusiastically when angry, when polarized, when given an enemy to hate. News that didn't accomplish these things began to fade, and the machine pushed more and more of the content that produced response, the lifeblood of the news media industry. The ability to target information individually got rid of the rails, the balance, that had previously kept news more truthful. There is no longer the truth, there is only your truth. The machine will send a republican an article about how Joe Biden sacrifices babies to Satan so that congress will outlaw the bible. On the same day, the same machine sends an article to the democrat across the street, explaining how every cop shoots an average of three minority people per shift. The machine doesn't care about the people, or the articles, or the truth. But it is measuring how fast they click, how much they click, and how many comments they make. Now social media companies are printing money at record speeds, and people are more divided, misinformed, and polarized into groupthink than ever before. The main takeaway is that there is no one at the wheel anymore. Those that do have control are trying as hard as possible to spin opinion their way, and people they do reach get caught in a confirmation bias feedback loop created by the machine to drive traffic, nothing else.
Here's one chart showing the change on a cultural level -
A lot of this division is based on what social media has told us that the other side thinks. Sometimes it's accurate, but even then, people only started thinking so many crazy things AFTER the machine created the echo chamber. Each year, my dad becomes convinced that the democrats are going to go around door to door and take everyone's guns away, but if you check the records, it's never even been suggested by anyone in government.
And now, a few years later, we are reaching the final stage, an almost full blown intolerance of everyone, by everyone. Even campaigns for tolerance have backfired, making everyone more intolerant, via the algorithm. Here's an informational video about that reality.
And what does this mean for indie film? It means that there is now nothing that you can do that at least 50% of people won't actively hate. Doesn't matter what side you are on, or if your views are more complex than tribe A or tribe B. You know how people hear about films? Social media, which is run by the algorithm.