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Woh! That is awesome. Is it for real? Well, looks like you're really getting that night photography down. You really captured that star filled sky.

That photo is 100% real. In fact there is almost no Photoshop manipulation with the colours I don't think. The reason the tank looks non real I think is because at a 30 second exposure 2 cars drove past during that time, creating different shadows (I planned the photo when cars were going past to light the tank up).

It's getting better. Problem is I think that yellow on the horizon is a major city 150km from me, so I think I really have to travel some distance in order to get better stars
An Aston Martin Vanquish that I raced last month. That is not me behind the wheel.


  • GH9A5384.jpg
    56.9 KB · Views: 186
Lucky, you are just incredible with a camera. =)

I saw an Aston Martin parked in front of a Cousins in my little hometown the other day. Probably the first time I'd ever seen one in person. Probably up from Chicago, or something. =P
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Lucky, you are just incredible with a camera. =)

I saw an Aston Martin parked in front of a Cousins in my little hometown the other day. Probably the first time I'd ever seen one in person. Probably up from Chicago, or something. =P

Thank-you. I do love an Aston Martin.
First one:


ISO 100, 35mm, f/4.5, shutter speed set to 1/100.

Second one:


ISO 100, 40mm, f/7.1 and shutter speed set to 1/100.

The guy ate sand when he landed that! :lol:
Here is one of a model that I shot last month. This pic was taken after the shoot was over. We were on the roof of a downtown parking garage.


  • GH9A6023.jpg
    146 KB · Views: 200
Here is one of a model that I shot last month. This pic was taken after the shoot was over. We were on the roof of a downtown parking garage.

The contrast is too high, there is no detail in the highlights and the shadows. The blacks are completely washed, there are no details in the boots :/.
Super photos, Intuitive and Lucky Hardwood. You're both amazing and in a class way above me. But I'll keep trying. Let's not forget the fun in photography, Artist. =)

The contrast is too high, there is no detail in the highlights and the shadows. The blacks are completely washed, there are no details in the boots :/.

Thanks for the comments. It was shot with no modifiers on the roof of a concrete parking garage in bright sunlight. The high contrast was by choice. The boots are velvet and do not resolve well without being lit properly. As I said in the initial post, this was just a chance shot after the actual photo-shoot (an out-take). All of the gear except my camera was already packed up. I am planning a couple of more shots with the same model in the future.

ETA: I'm not being defensive, I'm simply explaining the reasons for some of the things you critiqued.
Can't say I really know anything about photography, but I decided to test my new Konica Hexanon 40mm whilst waiting for an afternoon plane (was moving cities).

and a couple I took the night before from my old room

an attempt at free lensing
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