Star Wars

I saw Star Wars ep3 last night.
I have to say 2 things:

1) Star Wars fans are the coolest people in the world.
2) George Lucas is freaking GOD

Episode 3 is AMAZING. Go see it. Now! DO IT! :D

DO IT!!!
1) Star Wars fans are the coolest people in the world.

Or the biggest geeks in the world! Maybe those are supposed to coincide though? =D

What can I say though, I camped out for ROTK tickets so I'm just as much a dork... (didn't dress up or anything - did bring a lot of reading material though)!

EDIT: Sadly, camping out here in Montana doesn't consist of a whole lot so it's not really a fair comparison. By "camping out" I got up at 7am, brought a lawn chair and waited in line.
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Shaw said:
Or the biggest geeks in the world! Maybe those are supposed to coincide though? =D

Have you ever been ushered to a seat with a lightsabre from someone in the audience? As an usher myself, I must say I was touched (even tipped him a buck!).

The crowd laughed, roared and yelled during the trailers... but as soon as that text hit the screen, there was a brief orgasm of exciement before the rowdy ones settled down out of consideration. There was no doubt about it- no one was going to ruin the premiere. I've never felt like I was in a theatre with so many like-minded friendly people before. It made it real easy to talk to people... because in that theatre I was in... everyone was a true Jedi.
I hear ya man :). The same thing happened with Lord of the Rings for me. Crowd cheering (as in stadium loud) when people get their heads cut off, etc, etc. Fun times!
I wish I was in your theater, Spatula. Some guy in mine thought it would be funny to yell Bite Me to Lord Sidius a few times.

I enjoyed this last installment, but I did have a couple of minor problems with it.
1) The fact that important questions were explained away with a simple sentence. Like how come Obi Wan and Yoda can exist after death in Episodes 4 through 6, yet Qui Gonn and others couldn't in Episodes 1 through 3. And the question as to why Obi Wan doesn't seem to recognize the droids in Episode 4 wasn't even answered at all. 2) It was nice to connect Yoda na d Chewie, but not at all necessary.

Well... did they end up showing it at Chinese theater? :lol:

I waited in line for six weeks.

No. Damnit!

But our high profile "nerds in front of the wrong theater" stand contributed to our higest donation yet. We raised $32,000 for the Starlight/Starbright Children's Foundation.

And 30 Stormtroopers from the 501st, lead by Darth Vader, "escorted" our group at blaster point from the Chinese to the Cinerama Dome. I got some great footage.
I have something i would love to tell you all: I really hate CGI, especially for the things simple enough to do in reality, such as fire (when r2d2 kills the two drones at the start and sets them on fire with one of his many never-seen-before gadgets (that being jet packson his feet) ).

Now i know very little about creating GCI but i do know that fire is one of the hardest and time consuming images to create and make look realistic when it comes to CGI. Is it not easier and cheaper to make a small fire and hire a pyrotechnician to make sure nothing crazy happens?

My point is im sick of watching half film half animation as i believe film should be kept in a pure state and not mix with 'artificially' produced images. Hopefully the CGI craze will calm down in the next few years and we can have our organic film back. But then again, hollywood rules the throne of CGI so the majority of films that use CGI are for entertainment as opposed to meaning and art. As long as movies with meanings are made i will be happy:)
I agree lux.

There were a few time C3PO was a "cartoon" and he looked terrible. And most of the ship - traditionally models - are now just cartoons. Yoda often looked like Shrek.
Hey Lux got a question for you about CGI.

How did you feel about the CGI in Lord of the Rings? Did you feel it also had that cartoonish feel the EPS I, II, and III all had?

I have had this conversation with a couple of people and I personally believe that WETA does a far superior job integrating live action with CGI. I know little to nothing about CGI however the Lord Trilogy had what I can only describe as a more "real" feel to it.

Love to here your thoughts (and anyone elses who'ld like to chime in)

I have lots more to say on Eps III but will hold off as I am still trying to come to terms with my experience.
I felt the CGI was much the same from what I remember of the LOTR trilogy but I see what you mean when you say LOTR looked more "real". I guess that's partially because the LOTR trilogy has nothing to compare itself to where as Star Wars can be compared to the original trilogy. This is what makes me dislike CGI the most, the sense of loss knowing that the new episodes don't live up to the originals when there is really no excuse for a high profile director such as Lucas.
See, I felt although the first two new episodes were pretty pointless and ridden with an over-abundance of CGI, this 3rd one actually embraced the Star Wars universe without being annoying with the graphics.
My only qualm with the dubbed "New Trilogy (NT)" is with the story. You have Phantom Menace, and Attack of the Clones- two movies with the intention of setting up Anakin's story and the rise of the Sith/Empire over the Jedi/Republic. Then, as Lucas puts it, the third movie is the payoff.
Well I think everyone here can agree there was a LOT of points missed along the way, and a LOT of stuff that could have been cut to make way for some of the better material. I found out yesterday that the reason Grevious has a bad cough in Ep.3 is because in the "Clone Wars cartoon" Mace Windu battles him and injures him. Now THAT might have been nice to see in the movies...
It just irks me to watch Phantom Menance, because it's 75% Naboo/Gungan politics, which are necessary to the whole outbreak of the clone wars, but overplayed and overemphasized. Then again, maybe that's what he wanted to show (how entrenched in politics the old republic was, and how it led to thier downfall...), but if that was the point, it was missed somewhere. I think it must have been Tatooine, in Grotto or whatever his name's junkyard. And although AotC had some good moments, the scripting and acting was atrocious.
Overall, I think I just felt the last movie, although amazing, had to fill too much that could have been embellished earlier, and it dragged it down a bit.

What are everyone's thoughts on this new installment?
Please... let's share people!
It just irks me to watch Phantom Menance, because it's 75% Naboo/Gungan politics, which are necessary to the whole outbreak of the clone wars, but overplayed and overemphasized.

The problem here lies in a couple of execution traps that Lucas admits he now fell into. And the two go hand in hand.

When Lucas was preparing the backstory for the original Star Wars, 60% of what he created takes place in ROTS. But since he wanted to make a trilogy, AND he wanted to explore Anakin's character at 3 different ages, he put that 60% into the last film and split the remaining 40% over two movies. That's about 20% of story each for TPM and AOTC. The rest is filler, and it shows. Thin motivation, extraneous characters, unecessary plot points. In fact, by the time he got to Sith, Lucas discovered that he could have actually split it into two more films. But he had already expended those precious minutes on the two previous films.

It would interesting if someone actually took TPM and AOTC and edited them down into one solid two-hour movie. That might a lot more fun to watch.
It would interesting if someone actually took TPM and AOTC and edited them down into one solid two-hour movie

"The Phantome Edit" came out a few years ago, getting rid of some of the useless stuff. I haven't heard of a similar one for Attack of Clones, but i wouldn't be surprised.

Here's a bit about The Phantom Edit. (Tonnes more on Google, too)
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