Star Wars

After seeing Episode III a couple more times, my gripes have been diminished. This mainly has to do with the fact that I started seeing the saga 1 through 6 (as opposed to 4-6, then 1-3).

There have been some good points made, and Lucas has basically said that he was wrong (in Entertainment Weekly #820 May 20, 2005 - for those of you who want to feel validation in writing). I like what McCallum said in the same article:

I think the problem most hardcore fans had with the movies is that they wanted to cut to the chase...They wanted Darth.

I think ti's the main reason that many view the prequels as failures. They wanted to see Annakin as a kid sticking womp rats in a blender. But the point was that this was a good person that was seduced by the dark side, just as the originals are about a good person who rejected the seduction and thus saved his father.

I have no problem with any of the movies, to be honest. They are all a part of the Star Wars universe and I watch them all with childlike glee.

Now if youssa wantn' to be excusen me, Issa gonna go now, okie day?
