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watch Snail Mail - 3:30min.

Hot off the sweeping (and surprising) success of the sleeper hit Snail Trail, Flicker Pictures is right back at the box office with another installment for all the fans of the first film. But this time... it's personal.

Combining an adoration for John "March Maestro" Philip Sousa, a deep respect of the United States Postal Service, and a love of all things Red, White & Blue, the minds behind this growing franchise deliver unto you...


A bit of a departure from their first effort, but no less riveting, Snail Mail aims to capture the hearts and imagination of today's audience hungry for good old fashioned family films from days of yore. It's high time to don your Stars & Stripes and salute Old Glory, folks!

Annnnnd... ACTION! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90jwpZ7wTKA

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With the opening credits I was expecting some reference to llamas and directors being sacked at any old moment.

Very nice, JBP.
Very nice.

SPCA will be contacting you by snail mail any





Well it's good, but you're breaking all the rules! One continuous take, 84 seconds of opening credits, I'm assuming you didn't even feed your actor? Come on man!

hahaha, just kidding. Pretty great haha.
SPCA will be contacting you by snail mail

Snail Post California? ;)

I'm assuming you didn't even feed your actor?

Said talent continues to miss call time and therefore misses out on the catered breakfast. We even provide fresh basil leaves. Actors!

Final installment to the trilogy *might* be delayed. Can't publicly comment as to why --[script is going through some MAJOR revisions]-- but just know we're doing everything within our powers to move forward with production so that the increasing demand for this series is supplied promptly.

Stay tuuuuuuned...
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Inching along... little by little...

Had a producer's meeting yesterday that, dare I say, was promising, although nothing in stone. Talks are ongoing about this lead we're working with. Worth all the trouble? Fans seem to think so. Time will tell.

The sequel's web traffic has been a tad sluggish and the reviews are creeping in, but we remain optimistic about the future of this franchise.

Thanks for your support!
EDIT: I thought I was commenting on the original Snail movie. I didn't realize that you posted a sequel, already!
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Yeah, Mike, the sequel was already in the works. The difficulty will be getting the final installment in the trilogy funded and off the ground.

@Paul - can't top that! Dang!

Thank you, Fernando. Pushing limits, pushing buttons, pushing boulders up (and over) hills... such is the spirit of Flicker Pictures and, as captain of this thingy called a dingy, I vow to steer the prow of this salty ship into the stormy storied seas so that all snails, near and far, might sail along with the success of this small short snippet of silly cinema.

Ernest, will you be at your current mailing address in 2014?
I thought the middle was a little slow. The end finished with a powerful statement. Wonderful film ! The acting talent must have been recruited by Bernie Lawson, why ? cuz of the slimy factor.