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Slamdance 2006 Film Festival


Slamdance Director of Programming, Forum Represent
The 12th annual Slamdance Film Festival will be held January 19-27, 2006 in Park City, Utah. Slamdance is the number one alternative to the Sundance Film Festival. Located at the same time and place, Slamdance offers a leg up to new first time filmmakers.

Slamdance is currently accepting submissions. The early deadline is August 29th for all films. The final shorts deadline is October 11th. The final features deadline is October 17th. Go to www.slamdance.com for more information or to download an application.
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:welcome: Slamdance... good to have you aboard. Great fest.
Hey Slamdance, quick question, if you don't mind. From the standpoint of a festival of your magnitude is there a business or finacial aversion to withoutabox.com, or are you at a point where you're comfortable enough with the volume of submissions that you really don't need to forge that alliance?

Please, don't take offense to the question, I'm just trying to get a feel for your position.

LVE said:
Hey Slamdance, quick question, if you don't mind. From the standpoint of a festival of your magnitude is there a business or finacial aversion to withoutabox.com, or are you at a point where you're comfortable enough with the volume of submissions that you really don't need to forge that alliance?

I would imagine Withoutabox takes a cut of submission fees, and Slamdance has enough publicity to do well enough without it.

Just my assumption though.
filmscheduling said:
I think withoutabox charges something like $2k-$3k/year to the festivals.
They are making out like bandits.

I'm not sure that's an unresonable amount of money, unless of course you're dealing with a festival that returns entry fees for films not selected.
slamdance1995 said:
Thanks Denis and everyone. We're looking forward to seeing the board members work.
Welcome to the boards. I sure hope you stick around to answer some questions and give us anecdotes regarding festivals.

My Slamdance application is printed, my copy ready, my check written. I'll be stopping by the office on Thursday to drop everything off - it's a nice five minute walk from my house.
You are all correct. Currently, Slamdance does not opt for withoutabox because we like control over our database. Also we don't just want to blindly recruit submissions, we'd like to think that people submit to Slamdance specifically.
Well, I dropped off my movie last Thrusday. Unfortunatly the guy who answered the door was on the phone and didn't have time to chat.

Oh well. My first Slamdance entry is in your hands!

What percent of accepted entries do you guys have that feature first time talent? What is the average budget of a movie shown at Slamdance? I have to admit, I really enjoyed reading your faq's (You sound like really cool guys) but the project I am finishing up on has no name talent and no 40k advertising budget with an agent to strong arm us into festivals. Add to that the piece was filmed in rural Michigan, I have no Hollywood connections, and it was shot on HD rather than 35. So, should I spend my 60 bucks to enter or not? Your website makes it look like you guys are all about indies, but as leader of the real indie festivals, what kind of chance does a guy like me really have in making it in?

Slamdance extended deadline, 3 extra days (postmarked) to IndieTalk members. Just mention that you are a member in your cover letter and on the application.