H44, homage is not a form of borrowing!
Well some of it felt like homages such as bringing back the old Ashton Martin. But bringing back the same palm print gun gadget, that was used in Licence to Kill, or same idea of a gadget, does feel like borrowing rather than an intended homage.
Bond pretending to be dead, feels like borrowing from You Only Live Twice, rather than paying homage. Bond returning to a new world MI6 also feels like borrowing from Die Another Day. The villain wanting revenge on M feels like The World is not Enough. The villain being a former MI6 agent feels like Goldeneye. But maybe they are paying homages to all of these movies, and I'm just not seeing it that way.
I was really disappointed with Skyfall. It looked gorgeous, it has easily the best cinematography of any bond film. The bad guy, was a great character. A problem that I had with Skyfall was, Craig felt like a completely different character from the last two, he makes a joke after something quite horrendous happens. The biggest problem, was the story, it was predictable, it went from A to C with no interesting reveals or twists. It has a great opening, but nothing comes close to that during the rest of the film. To sum it up, Home Alone Dies Harder
I liked this movie a lot actually, and loved the ending! I didn't like the cinematography in this one though, and actually felt like camera wise, they got carried away with some of the techniques. I had no problem with Craig, and felt like he was acting a little different but things have changed since Casino Royale, so he's developing and changing with it. He is getting darker, and his remarks show that. I agree it's a more simpler story, but I like it for a lot of individual moment ingredients. Even though it may be predictable, one thing I can't deny is this movie did not have one bad scene in it. The only think I mainly hated was the new Q, and felt like he was such a dud, and don't get why they wanted Q to be this way at all. But that's just my personal taste.