Silly Movie Ideas

Christopher Nolan's "Snakes on a snake".


As for ROC's idea, I see it playing out in my head as more along the lines of "Disturbia". It's the operator of the vehicle (or whoever is in charge of taking the pics) that takes notice. He/she sees something suspicious (and maybe ties it together with a small piece of evidence he/she recalls from when driving by), reports to higher-ups, but nobody takes him/her seriously. From there, of course, it's rogue investigator, ultra-paranoia, the audience can never trust if what we're seeing is real or blown out of proportion, etc.

Starring Rory Caulkin! No, really. Saw him in "Scream 4" -- I kinda like him. Too bad the movie sucked, but he's pretty cool.
How about Batman Dangerously where Michael Keaton returns as the caped crusader for a documentary style retelling of the saga. Sadly, the Joker is gone, but is replaced by Morone who testifies -

Bahmin, I will put your bulls in a vice and squeeze them until you pop out of their eyes, you fargon icehole!

About a family that repeatedly gets murdered and institutionalized at greater frequency than the kennedys, but they own the pattent on some carcinogenic food preservative and so always have money coming in. Finally everyone's dead, in jail, in a cult, in a mental institution, except the youngest, who launches a campaign to raise awareness about the carcinogen, then strangely his family starts to get better.
Man, I LIVED snakes on a bike! Seriously...

When I was like 10 years old living in Palmdale CA, the youngest of 5 boys (white boy gang), we had snakes for pets, and I mean a LOT of them... I had a 5 foot sand pit boa that I would wrap around my neck and ride my bike with. This was mid '70's and those who know, know that Palmdale was a notoriously violent place at the time, anyway the snake dug it.. It would lower it self to just inches above the tarmac and hang there by one or two coils around my neck as I cruised around the neighborhood.

On one afternoon, riding home from my friends house, I was harassed by some local black gang members (everyone knew who my brothers were), they hadn't noticed the snake around my neck.. when he came out, they hooted and hollered out of there... Im pretty sure that snake saved me from a beating...

I know there are non-PC racial overtones in that story, but its true. It was wild time\place to be.
Whirled Peas - A pre-school activity involving green peas and water becomes a worldwide video hosting and news service phenomenon dumbfounding global leaders, law enforcement and military when for a single amazing day no one on the planet is killed.