archived-videos Shaken Baby Syndrome

Good Melvin...

Please seek out a licensed mental-health professional.

At best, it appears that you have a problem with Prevent Child Abuse - Illinois... worst (and judging from the rest of the short films available on your site, I think it likely) you have some serious personal issues to work out, that are not going to be properly addressed through this medium.
I'm just a nut-so from the loony bin...

First and foremost, Zensteve, this video has nothing against the prevent child abuse group. I just remember seeing a poster that I thought was kind of corny so I made a video based on the presentation of their advertising. My apologies as I should have mentioned that in my post, but, still, I didn't see this video as an attack against them, just a stupid parody. Still, though, I am curious if you are going to be the one to pay for some of this wonderful licensed help? I really don't have the money for it at the moment, so I use this medium. Heck, I've been to a psychoanalyst and the guy just did not have a clue what I was talking about. Big help there, I didn't know if I was an absolute schizo or a blithering genius. Keep in mind, too, that psychology is, at best, a sketchy field in most instances since there are still no clear agreements as to what intelligence or insanity is. Of course, when it comes to defining one or the other, I'm curious as to which you find is worse: me acting like an idiot across from myself in my videos or me going out in public, harassing people, and then turning to the camera with a pinky to my dimpled cheek and saying "Ain't I so cute?" Seems to me that no one has problems with insanely immoral horror flicks or shows where people are mocked and ridiculed, but apparently there's an issue with someone acting out through characters in an attempt to get a laugh out of others. True, yes, some of my stuff is dark and maybe down the line I won't be too proud of it, but for the moment this is all I have. Honestly, I would love to make more upbeat videos but there really isn't much I can do when everyone I attempt to make something with just blows me off or ignores me, so I'm just left with a camcorder, a tripod, and myself as the single source of input. So, hey, if you can help me get out of the situation I'm in I'd be most grateful but, otherwise, I don't much care for commentary along the lines of what you said if you're not going to bother to back it up with anything of any use to me. I am getting a bit tired of everyone telling me that I need help and then walking away. Makes you wonder where my problems might stem from...
I took your films as parodies without reading the other posts. A couple of them coerced a laugh or two from me (particularly "Ma Bell"), they are what they are - low-budget, off-the-top-of-your-head, single-joke skits. They could be considered offensive, but a lot of what some call entertainment or art is offensive to other people.

My advice, work on the technical side of your skits (sound, lighting, photography) and don't be so defensive about your work. You know going in that some folks will find it offensive. Let them be offended, everyone has a right to their own views.

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Offended shamended...

It's not that I was offended by Zensteve's comments towards my video because, well, he didn't make any comments about my video. Instead he assumed the state of my sanity, something that I found to be a bit of a personal attack. By all means, I figure that not everyone is going to like my videos, (and, at times, I even find pride when they are offended, since I never meant them to be) and so I don't mind criticism, so long as it is positive. But, pointing out someone's mental problems certainly does not rank up as positive criticism, nor does it have squat to do with my video. It's just that I am a bit fed up with people offering petty solutions to problems they don't understand, so I don't like people telling me what to do when they haven't a clue what I've gone through in life. But, still, this doesn't have much to do with what you said, Poke, just clarification, and nothing against you. It's cool to see that you saw my videos for what they are: cheap crap. Yeah, true, I do need to work on a lot of aspects. It's times like this I know that I'm going to need to find some others to work with. Hmmm... I wonder how well cats work as a film crew with a camera tied to their back...
I think your films will be taken seriously and easier to justify if you thought of a message or a meaning to develope a short film, rather then showing a father beat his wife and kids for no apparent reason. Most artists who create art to shock have a message at least.
Meaning so thick you can stand a fork in it...

Well, I mean, I didn't really intend for there to be any sort of message or seriousness to my videos, they're just kinda of there for a cheap laugh. I mean, not everyone will get my sense humor, but I'm not aiming to shock or change anyone. The video you're talking about, the Promise-Keeper one, is based on what the comedian David Cross talked about regarding this religious group where the belief is that the men are the head of the house and what they say goes. He mentioned how they might be the types to beat their families so I decided to go with that and make the video, though now I guess I can see that perhaps the subject choice might be a bit esoteric. Even then, though, I know nothing about Promise-keepers and I could care less, so I'm not trying to make any statement with the video, I'm just interpreting someone else's joke as I understood it. Of course, I'm guessing, then, too, that your post is in response to my follow-up posts, since you mention the idea of me justifying my videos, but that's not really what I'm doing. Heck, I could care less about my videos. What bothers me is Zensteve's statement about my mental health. True, yes, I will admit that I do have some problems, but someone pointing it out and not doing anything to help is a bit of what I consider rude. As I also mentioned, I like using videos as a way to vent my problems but with the hope that they might be of some entertainment value to others. I'm sorry if they might disturb some people but that is not my intention.

On the video, I agree with Poke. The production values are very, very low. Single camera shot from a bad postion, mixed colour temperatures, poor sound. Nothing good to say about it really.

On the content. I agree with Zen. Child abuse isn't funny.

And if you aren't happy to be challenged about the content of your films, don't post them and ask for feedback.
Feedback, feedback, feedback!

Clive, I wasn't asking for feedback. Nowhere in my post did I ask for feedback. I just posted my videos in hopes that someone might find them entertaining. If so, great, if not, I don't care to hear about it. AGAIN I REITERATE: The problem I am having here is Zensteve's comment about me needing mental help. That is f**king rude! Yes, my videos are made with the utmost cheapest quality in everything. That's the point! They're not supposed to be like the psuedo-intellectual artsy-fartsy bullcrap that you get from most video students, they're meant to be dumb and stupid. If you watch my videos and scratch your head or laugh, then, hey, mission accomplished on my part. Also, I'm not making fun of child abuse, the video is just supposed to be a bad parody of an ad that a child abuse group made that I thought wasn't very convincing since it didn't seem to take the issue seriously. Thus, I made a dumb video since the ad was dumb. I don't recall too well the part in there where I said beat the hell out of your kids because Jesus says so. Christ! Maybe I should just go out in public and film myself blowing up mail-boxes, robbing old ladies, and kicking dogs, since it seems that that would be considered more acceptable. God bless America!
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I don't see that he was offended by the critique of his films. I see that zen made a comment (probably sarcastically...let me quickly read back through every other post zen had ever made...never mind) that melvin misinterpretted as an attack. He got defensive and that's difficult to get over.

Videos...low budget get out there and shoot something stuff

mental health...none of our business, but seems that he's been targeted by these statements before.

Parody...well done, I hate it when companies and organizations use obviously dumb things to try to communicate an idea.

Content...probably the wrong choice...but art is a reaction to the world around us...that poster was around him.

Thank you... a lot, really. All I needed was one person to just understand what I was talking about within this post. It's good that you noticed that I've had to deal with being called crazy before and that I'm not a big fan of it. So, again, thanks.
I decided to take a few minutes out of my busy schedule of muttering to myself in a corner to make this.

(Warning: contains dirty language and lewd behavior... but nothing that should be considered directly offensive, or offensive, period, to anyone. It's just a corny joke.)

P.S. Yes, this is supposed to be cheap and stupid.
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I checked out some of the other videos on your site- all hilarious!! You have quite a humoorous collection there!
I love the father's day one!
Before this thread gets out of hand, two things:

1) When posting work on Indie Talk, expect criticism. It's the reason most folks post their work here - to get feedback. So by posting your work here melvin, you opened it up to criticism.

2) melvin's point that the criticism was not so much directed at his work but at him is valid. Indie Talk rules state that attacking other members will not be permitted. Let's keep things civil around here, please.

lux said:
Most artists who create art to shock have a message at least.

Not necessarily true. Does Howard Stern have a message? Do Matt Stone and Trey Parker put any kind of message into "South Park" episodes? You could make a case for the message of Free Speech, but beyond that...

Many people have made art/entertainment for the sole purpose of shocking another person. It's a matter of personal preference whether or not you deem that worthy. At the same time, it's a right of a filmmaker to place things on screen that he deems worthy
(within legal limits).
