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Poke said:Maybe it's cause you were shaken as a baby.
Poke said:Your mom shakes my baby.
CommanderGoat said:And now your baby is dead sucka!
Poke said:Maybe the dingo ate my baby.
CommanderGoat said:I don't think you have a dingo.
Poke said:We will destroy threads with our inane insult throwing.
Poke said:Not necessarily true. Does Howard Stern have a message? Do Matt Stone and Trey Parker put any kind of message into "South Park" episodes? You could make a case for the message of Free Speech, but beyond that...
Many people have made art/entertainment for the sole purpose of shocking another person. It's a matter of personal preference whether or not you deem that worthy. At the same time, it's a right of a filmmaker to place things on screen that he deems worthy
(within legal limits).