right, innovation is always key for people on the outside trying to get in. It may seem obvious, but once a channel becomes oversaturated, the rarity needed to stand out becomes extreme. If every movie out there is about cats, make one with dogs. If every film at the festival has two people talking in a room, make a movie about 6 people that hike across a mountain range in a blizzard. That may seem random, but it's incredible how many nearly identical indie films I see, if you just gauge by simple metrics.
I guess in a sentence, don't be predictable, it's not entertaining. You made a film in the style of David Lynch, and your script is based on a Phillip k Dick novel. Ok, I'll throw it on the pile. Tell me you made a movie based on the art of HR Gieger combined with the music of Sammy Hagar. and I'll think you're insane, but I guarantee I'll watch that movie.
I was originally talking about innovation on the format and structure end, but of course innovation in the creative product is a major part of the math.
I guess in a sentence, don't be predictable, it's not entertaining. You made a film in the style of David Lynch, and your script is based on a Phillip k Dick novel. Ok, I'll throw it on the pile. Tell me you made a movie based on the art of HR Gieger combined with the music of Sammy Hagar. and I'll think you're insane, but I guarantee I'll watch that movie.
I was originally talking about innovation on the format and structure end, but of course innovation in the creative product is a major part of the math.